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स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी विधि-क़ानून (सामान्य) Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
respondiendo de las infracciones en que hubiera incurrido being liable for any violations he/she may have personally committed
S.Sa. (superscript a), con... Your honor
salvo superior parecer de V.I. unless Your Honour were to decide otherwise
sanciones por parte y uso a elementos como escopetas hechizas penalties for having and using items such as home-made shotguns
se le corra traslado con las copias que acompañamos... and that he be given notice with the copies we are attaching
sentenciante de grado the trial judge
serán de aplicación las medidas de seguridad the security measures will be applicable
supuesto de condena loss situation
suscrito y desembolsado subscribed and paid up
Entered by: EirTranslations
taller sobre procedimiento de causas workshop on the procedure to be followed in domestic abuse cases
tomar conocimiento de lo actuado to be informed about/of the proceedings
trajes suits if this is about President Camps in Valencia
V (en un acta de nacimiento) V (volumen número...)
y los dos que preceden en numeración correlativa and the two previous documents in numerical order
y serán retiradas de cobro prejurídico out-of-court/pre-legal collection
" que integra y literalmente dice" ...which in its entirety reads as follows:....
".... da en arrendamiento...." leases/rents...
"...administrar, regir y gobernar sus bienes...y sus intereses..." administer, regulate andgovern its goods...and its interests
"...bajo dispensa de colacion..." not under duress
"...que tramitan por ante el Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia N° 2" pending before the 2nd National Court (of first instance)
"...RESULTA EXTRAPETITO..."ALSO SEEN IN THE FEMININ FORM! grants relief beyond what is sought
"..procedan conforme a los procedimientos en que intervengan." are appropriate in light of the proceedings in which they act
"a pedido de parte interesada" at the request of an interested party
"Acta" certificate
"afecte el inmueble" "actividad gravada" if there are business activities in the building
"al corriente" up to date
"así como su protesto" As well as any protest related thereto
"auto admisorio" admiting writ
"Auto de imputación judicial" Formal accusation / indictment
"aval y avalado" guarantee / guaranteed person or firm (person for whom the guarantee is issued)
"bajo apercibimiento de" warning that failure to pay would lead to .../under penalty of ...
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
"C" before "Sr." + name, as in.... C. [Citizen]
"camara nacional en lo contencioso administrativo federal" Chamber IV of the National Court of Appeals in administrative federal matters
"Causando estado" This decision being final
"certificado laboral" Labor Certificate
"Colita" private parts
"comisario inspector" (BrE + AmE) Police Superintendent acting as an Examinations Officer
"concuerda" it agrees/conforms with/in accordance with
"configura el delito penal de daños" it is a criminal offence to send an e-virus
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