| विषय | पोस्ट करने वाला जवाब (दृश्य) हाल के पोस्ट |
| U.S. Court Interpreters Refuse to Accept Lower Pay Under New Contract ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,732) |
| After translating client wants my TM - charges? | 10 (3,349) |
| Productivity quota for in-house position? | 12 (3,136) |
| Recent large discrepancy on word counts MS-Word/Trados | 7 (2,098) |
| Who pays the bank charges? The sender of the money! | 14 (18,803) |
| Relative pricing levels: commercial v academic | 7 (2,208) |
| Insolvency in Italy | 4 (1,832) |
| 0.07USD a word: Where does this sit, really?! ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 61 (19,264) |
| Working for next to nothing - do you? ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 46 (12,764) |
| insulting, ridiculous offer... from a EU translator ( 1... 2) | 17 (8,409) |
| Help! Quoted source word count is 1/3 of the actual word count! ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 75 (21,111) |
| Non-paying client | 12 (3,433) |
| Do you raise your rates every year? | 8 (3,106) |
| Output per year ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,007) |
| Translators rates | 13 (4,389) |
| Looking for agency which will collect royalties for books sold in Germany and the EU | 0 (1,264) |
| The skinny on fuzzy matches | 10 (3,852) |
| US State Department interpreter rates | 7 (3,486) |
| No payment from one PM (or the agency she used to work) ( 1... 2) | 28 (6,644) |
| About Small Claim Court in New York | 13 (2,798) |
| 500 word test translation--too long? ( 1... 2) | 27 (6,881) |
| Sending bills from UK to Spain | 11 (2,510) |
| Business developpement wage | 1 (2,208) |
| Dealing with bad payer in Japan | 3 (1,469) |
| Case closed. ( 1, 2... 3) | 34 (8,234) |
| Tarifs pratiqués sur le marché suisse | 1 (1,462) |
| No payment by Spanish direct client | 7 (2,181) |
| Money Stolen via Paypal ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 45 (13,095) |
| Has anyone ever convinced an agency not to use an online billing system? ( 1... 2) | 27 (6,297) |
| Client not paying and not answering my emails ( 1... 2) | 18 (4,741) |
| voice-over ratings | 2 (1,615) |
| Translation into Creole using conceptual translation method | 4 (1,311) |
| Today's WUMO comic, for the plumber and peanuts posters | 4 (1,954) |
| Translation jobs in Donauwörth, Germany | 2 (1,447) |
| Fraudulent donation via my Paypal Account | 7 (2,752) |
| Late payments and poor job offers: Business Control could help? | 1 (1,037) |
| Current and business accounts... and HSBC | 6 (2,188) |
| Offering post-editing services: yes or no? ( 1, 2... 3) | 35 (8,953) |
| Bidding should not be based on price (staff: it is not) ( 1... 2) | 25 (6,400) |
| Minimum rate: help needed | 5 (2,574) |
| Would you make a negative Blueboard entry ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,936) |
| What to charge for editing & proofreading an article in Denglisch | 5 (1,798) |
| All those invoicing schemes! ( 1... 2) | 18 (5,745) |
| ll we need you to do is confirm that you accept our rates ( 1... 2) | 18 (5,138) |
| Project Manager Compensation | 1 (1,453) |
| What Is Paid In Trados? | 5 (2,459) |
| Flat Rate for Back Translation | 12 (7,269) |
| Has anyone tried 2checkout? | 7 (2,941) |
| (Fake) test translation ( 1... 2) | 22 (7,254) |
| Translation rate per page | 4 (3,515) |