The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्वीडी से अंग्रेजी मुहावरे /कहावतें /कथन Translation Glossary

स्वीडी term अंग्रेजी translation
affärsmedvetenhet business sense, business orientation, business awareness
Entered by: David Rumsey
att våga stå för vem man är dare to show your true colours, stand up for yourself, show your true nature
Entered by: Christine Andersen
äga (in this context) own
Entered by: Charles Ek
”Le mot världen, och världen ler mot dig” Smile and the world smiles with you
både hängslen och svångrem Belt and braces approach
byta fot adapt to the situation
dryg overbearing
Ensam är inte alltid starkast No man is an island
Entered by: Tess Whitty
Flitens lampa lyser burning the midnight oil
gå vind för våg let things take care of themselves
grynnor reefs, grounds
gympa exercise
I bagaget In store
Entered by: David Rumsey
i samhällets tjänst for the common good
jag har en clown i örat? Have I got a clown in my ear? / Is there an echo in here?
men icke förty but in spite of this
Entered by: Hanne Rask Sonderborg
motionsbehandling discussion of motions
motorjippo car show
om stjärnorna står rätt with a bit of luck
Entered by: Helen Johnson
på löpande band time and again / continuously / continual
prånglats ut peddled/foisted off/palmed off
slagskott i krysset hits right on the dot
slår oss på fingrarna nobody can beat us
Smultronställe favourite (childhood) haunt/spot
Ta vara på flytet keep going while the going is good
tappa masken let go
tar i hand shake on it
tar man fan i båten får man ro honom i land if you dance with the devil, you have to pay the piper
teknikanvändning use of technology, technological applications
Entered by: David Rumsey
tidsmedveten time-conscious
träffa plankan literally: hit the board
Vägen dit ... you can get there by .....
vänskap utan skuggor unconditional friendship
vilda apor / lyfta apan Chattering monkeys\' pass the buck (banana skin)
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