The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्वीडी से अंग्रेजी खान-पान Translation Glossary

स्वीडी term अंग्रेजी translation
avrunnen drained
bakmedel baking agent
betfiber beetroot fibre (for UK)
Entered by: Paul Lambert
biffstock sirloin
Entered by: JaneD
bjudbord buffet, buffet table
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
bullängd cinnamon roll
Entered by: Paul Lambert
charlottenlök shallot
Chilinötter chili/chilli nuts
degsats batch of dough
Entered by: Paul Lambert
degspad liquid ingredients
Entered by: Paul Lambert
ESL-marknaden the ESL market (ESL=Electronic Shelf Label.)
Förångarfläkt evaporator fan
gatukök fast food
godkänd för livsmedel safe for food
gränsmjölk waste milk; feed milk
Halstrade pilgrimsmusslor grilled scallops
halvbakt parbaked; pre-baked
halvinbakad (pizza) galette
Entered by: Paul Lambert
hard dough bread "västindisk limpa"
jordärtskocka Jerusalem artichoke
Jordärtskocksskum Artichoke mousse
kabanoss snack stick sausage
kalvhare loin of veal
Köttfärsbiff Minced meat (burger) patties
Klämrost toasted sandwich maker
kokkaffe cooked/boiled coffee
Kokvärmeri food warmer
kondensfällan condensate trap
Korvbrödsbagarn hot dog bun warmer
Kronärtskocksbottnar Globe artichoke bottoms
Kronärtskockshjärta Globe artichoke hearts
kylbänk cold bench
kylkassett cooler cartridge
Landslagskock chef for the national team
Lantmännen Lantmännen (Swedish Farmers Supply and Crop Marketing Association)
Entered by: Tess Whitty
lingonbräck lingonberry brack
Entered by: Paul Lambert
liten svampsoppa small portion of mushroom soup
Livsmedel food item
mandelpotatiskroketter almond-potato croquettes
mariekex Marie biscuit
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