The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी शिक्षा / शिक्षण Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
Ap. Dict. Int. Equiv. No 48 Passed, according to Internal Ruling in Equivalence Nº 48
apadrinar support/take under our wing/lend a helping hand
apertura al exterior internationalisation
APLIC CONTAB DEL DERECHO SOCIAL Accounting Aspects of Social Rights
aplicación de exámenes - pase mínimo to sit for an exam / take an exam - (exam) minimum score
Entered by: Paola Giardina
aplicar conocimientos to apply the knowledge I acquired in my professional training
aporía aporia
aportan al ejercicio del derecho help children to exercise their right
aportar a la permanencia escolar improve retention rates
aportarle un claro valor añadido provide him/her with clear value-added (experience)
apoyo docente teaching support services
apoyo escolar tutoring/coaching
apreciación de las artes appreciation of the arts
Apreciación del profesor Teacher's appraisal
apreciación predominante prevailing impression
aprendiencia en la docencia learning through teaching
aprendizaje asíncrono asynchronous learning
aprendizaje presencial y no presencial face-to-face/classroom and distance learning/training
aprestamiento lectoescritura Early literacy development
Entered by: Janice Giffin
aprobada en PROF. DEL CONSUDEC: "SEPTIMIO WALSH"-V.5, carrera PROFESORADO DE successfully completed at the CONSUDEC Septimio Walsh V5 Teacher Training College [contd below]
aprobada por suficiencia passed by proficiency exam
aprobada por unanimidad passed by unanimous vote
aprobado con alto honor graduated/passed with high honors
aprobado con distinción máxima awarded a pass with maximum distinction (summa cum laude)
aprobado por nota approved by grade
aprovechado good
aprovechamiento Educational achievement
Entered by: Andrea Sacchi
Aprovechamiento y Conducta: achievement and conduct
apto cum laude cum laude/ with honours
Entered by: Anne Grimes
archivología records management
area de alumnos student affairs
Area de Gestión de Grado Academic Office
armar (typo for "alarmar"?) alert
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
Arquitecto Bachelor of Arts in Architecture / Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Arquitecto Técnico Architectural Technician
arquitectura de computadores computer architecture
arquitectura de computadores arquitectura de computadores
arquitectura estándar tecnológica-pedagógica standard teaching+technology architecture
arrastre dropped course/s
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