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स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी शिक्षा / शिक्षण Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
bachiller / bachillerato high school graduate
Bachiller Académico High School Diploma
bachiller as univsersity title v. licenciado Bachiller would be "university graduate" and licenciado/a would be "Bachelor.
Bachiller Comercial (Colombia) High School Diploma with an emphasis on business
Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras High School Diploma in Arts and Science
bachiller en computación con orientación científica high school degree (i.e. with an emphasis in scientific computer technology)
bachiller grado sexto sixth grade high school education/graduate
Bachiller mención ciencias Bachiller mención ciencias [high school certificate, specialising in the Sciences]
Bachiller Técnico Industrial. Especialidad: Sistemas y Computación Technical & Industrial High School Diploma. Specialty: Systems & Computers
Bachiller y Licenciado Bachelor's Degree and Professional License
Entered by: Christina Green
Bachillerato High School Graduate; High School Diploma; Secondary Education
Bachillerato keep name in SP and explain that it is equivalent to UK A levels
Bachillerato (en el Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades) Preparatory School
bachillerato abierto open high school
bachillerato academico (equivalent to) High School Diploma
Bachillerato BUP, LOGSE, LOCE, REM See note
Entered by: David Russell
Bachillerato con capacitación laboral como auxiliar en administración High School Diploma with work training [on-the-job training] as an Administrative Assistant
Bachillerato con Orientación Docente Baccalaureate with Educational Orientation
bachillerato dentro del tipo medio Upper Secondary Education
bachillerato diurno daytime high school program (of study)
bachillerato en el area de ciencias fisico matematicas high school diploma with a specialization/major in mathematics and physics
bachillerato externo day school
Entered by: Marcelo González
Bachillerato General vs. Bachillerato Unitario General Baccalaureate vs. Unitary Baccalaureate
Bachillerato Mercantil High School Diploma with Business Orientation
Bachillerato propedéutico estatal (México) State University preparatory program
bachillerato semiescolarizado High Schoool Equivalency diploma
bachillerato técnico technical high school diploma
Bachillerato Tecnico Bachillerato Técnico (Technical High School Diploma)
Entered by: Robert Carter
BACHILLERATO UNICO 'Equivalent to GSCE 'O' levels or USA High School Diploma
Bachillerato, Mención Prepara Regular High School Diploma by Regular Semi-Distance / Blended Learning
bajas withdrawals
bajo indice low academic average
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
bajos/bajas especiales special assignments
Baremo de titulados qualitative weighted average (equivalent to GPA)
barreras, bien físicas, arquitectónicas y/o comunicativas Barriers to communication, mobility and in the built environment
Entered by: EirTranslations
base formativa ...(teacher\'s) basic training
bases biológicas de la conducta Biological Bases for Behavior
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