Patent Government Publicity and Games
पोस्ट किया गया: Nov 14, 2024 14:33 GMT (GMT: Nov 14, 2024 14:33)
Job type: संभावित नौकरी
Service required: Translation
भाषाएं: अंग्रेजी से ताहीटी नौकरी का विवरण: Recruit Mars Translation Platform, reserve translators
1. More than 5 years of full-time or part-time translation experience in a translation company
2. Can use CAT Trados translation tools
3. Especially experienced translators in the field of IT patent government publicity and games
4. Unlimited language pairs
5. The position is a permanent part-time position
The remuneration can be discussed and will generally give you satisfactory remuneration. Welcome delivery.
कंपनी विवरण: Marhub is the main company of the Group's second headquarters. It is committed to providing high-quality translation, interpretation, desktop publishing, software localization, multimedia translation, AI data annotation, and other language-related services for enterprises and individuals in the fields of medicine and medical treatment, manufacturing, finance (digital currency), film and television, law, software, games, and other fields.
Poster country: चीन
सेवा प्रदता का लक्ष्यन (नौकरी पोस्ट करनेवाले द्वारा निर्दिष्ट): सदस्यता: गैर सदस्य 12 घंटे बाद बोली लगा सकते हैं
विषय क्षेत्र: विधि-क़ानून: पेटेंट, व्यापरचिह्न, कॉपीराइट
बोली लगाने की अंतिम तिथि: Jan 5, 2026 22:16 GMT
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Contact person title: English to German outsourcing linguists