Freelance translator security practices   

This collection of security practices was compiled from information entered in free text form in SecurePRO cards by freelance language professionals at

When a sufficient number of members has indicated whether or not they offer a particular practice, aggregate data is made available on this page.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the goal of the SecurePRO™ program?

    To enhance the ability of LSPs and freelancers to ensure the confidentiality of end-client data while carrying out work in an efficient manner.
  2. How does the SecurePRO program accomplish that?

    For a start, by raising awareness of security practices. Beyond that, a means is provided for freelancers to efficiently present their security practices and capabilities, and for clients to specify security needs on a project-by-project basis. Other important program features are forthcoming.
  3. What is a SecurePRO Card?

    A SecurePRO Card is the digital card, accessible from within profiles, where a given user can specify his or her security practices.
  4. How does a freelancer create a SecurePRO Card?

    By going to the comprehensive list of security practices and indicating which ones he or she offers.
  5. Can I change settings?

    Yes, you can freely change your setting for each practice at any time.
  6. What legal ramification is there, if any, of my ticking a given security practice?

    Consider it similar to making the same statement in free text form in your profile.
  7. Who can create a SecurePRO Card?

    Anyone with a profile.
  8. How was the comprehensive list of security practices created?

    The list has been derived from practices described, in free text form, by freelance translators in their SecurePRO cards.
  9. Who gets to see SecurePRO cards?

    SecurePRO support is part of's Plus service package. Therefore, for a SecurePRO card to be visible, either the owner of the card or the viewer must be a Plus subscriber. (The viewer may also be a business member.)
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