किन भाषाओं में काम करते हैं:
अंग्रेजी से हिंदी

Gyanendra Ojha
Quality over Quantity

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, भारत
स्थानीय समय : 16:42 IST (GMT+5.5)

वतनी भाषा: अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी, हिंदी Native in हिंदी
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सेवाएँ Translation
चिकित्सकीय: दवा-संबंधीवित्त (सामान्य)
विधि-क़ानून (सामान्य)
अंग्रेजी से हिंदी - मूल्य : 0.12 - 0.30 USD प्रति शब्द

Payment methods accepted मास्टरकार्ड
पोर्टफ़ोलियो जमा किए गए नमूने के अनुवाद: 2
अनुवाद शिक्षण Bachelor's degree - DDU
अनुभव अनुवाद में अनुभव के वर्ष: 12। प्रोज़.कॉम में पंजीकरण: May 2014।
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
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सदस्यताएँ N/A
सॉफ़्टवेयर Adobe Acrobat, Fluency, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint
CV/Resume अंग्रेजी (DOCX)
Name : Gyanendra Ojha
Date of Birth : 22.07.1973,
Native Language : Hindi
Address : RC 167, Anil Vihar, Khora Colony, Noida
Mobile No. : 9650263993
E-mail ID : [email protected]
Skype ID : gyanendraojha
Facebook ID: gojha
You may see my online Translators frofile on:
1. http://www.translatorscafe.com/cafe/member222651.htm
2. http://www.proz.com/profile/1923097
Domain of expertise : marketing, pharmaceutical & SOPs
Educational Background :
• High School St. Andrew’s Inter collage Gorakhpur (U.P. Board) with Science in 1988.
• Intermediate Govt. Jubilee Intermediate collage Gorakhpur, (U.P. Board) with Biology in 1990.
• Graduation DDU University Gorakhpur, UP With Hindi, and History in 1996.

Experience :
Article writing in various Hindi Local Magazines Such as Ahwan Campus Times, Bigul Monthly,
Writing on Political & Social Subjects
Translation related work experiences:
• Proof reading project done success fully Language Scientific USA (Medical English to Hindi Translation)
• Have handle Translations task done with Bolster India Translation.
• Doing Regular Translation job since March 2012 with various local Translation job work providers at Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.
• Have Translated many books on Income Tax, Road transport industry, Buddhist mythology, legal documents, marketing and sales, Education methodology and many more topics.
• Feature and press release writing in local news papers.
• Presently working as Freelance translator in pair English to Hindi

6 Experience of-
(1) Typing in Hindi in Unicode Mangal Font & English in MS Word, Power-point & Excel
(2) Proofreading
7 My capacity of translation per day is 1500-2000 words
8 My best rate is the rate which you pay to others for similar job
9 Some of the Institutions, Translation Agencies with whom I have worked as freelance translator are :
(1) Language Scientific USA,
(2) Bolster India Translation,
(3) Avenue Digitals, Andheri East, Mumbai,
(4) Cosmic Global, Nungambakkam High Road, Chennai
(5) LinguaInfo Translation, Dwarka Morh, New Delhi,
(6) Languages Connect, Vikaspuri, Delhi,
(7) Creative Miracles Translations Pvt. Ltd. Thane (w),
s/d (Gyanendra Ojha)
कुंजी-शब्द: english, hindi,

पिछली बार इस तिथि को प्रोफ़ाइल का अद्यतन हुआ
Dec 4, 2021