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स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी धर्म Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
contribución cualificada important/professional contribution [to the public welfare]
Coronada Canónicamente canonically crowned
costero side (of the statue/throne)
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
creer o reventar believe it or not
Cristo del Buen Acierto Christ of Wisdon and Good Judgement
cumplir con la penitencia to do penance /to complete acts of penance
Cura Párroco parish priest
curia arzobispal Archbishop's Curia
curiosa muerte, que no se mostraba, merodeaba strange death, which did not reveal itself, prowled
cuteo Cutim/Cuthean/Samaritan
dar sus golpes swing their incense-burners at the (standards etc.)
darnos con delirante amor social with impassioned love/dedication for others/fellow men
de ellos hemos recibido formación en lo que está bien y lo que está mal they taught us right from wrong
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
de los que es what the mutual protection means/really is
decanato deanery
deconstrucci�n wake-up call
dedicar su vida al ministerio de la comunicación to devote one's life to the ministry of communication
Entered by: JH Trads
dejada atrás la treintana que rondábamos well beyond our thirty years or so
Entered by: patinba
dejó de existir en el seno ... el Sr. Mr. ... yielded up his spirit in the arms of ...
delegados de la palabra Delegates of the Word
denostaba a los inmóviles ídolos, incapaces como railed against the immobile idols, as powerless as their worshippers
deposición deposition/defrocking
desarrollar... la comprensión y relevancia... develop the understanding and relevance
desconexión estrangement/restores the connection
despertarse a to awaken to
devociones marianas Marian devotions
dieta allowance
difuso disperse
Dios escribe derecho con renglones torcidos God writes straight with crooked lines
DIOS TRIUNO Y UNO one God in three persons
dispuesto por Dios set forth by the Lord
diversos campos de ayuda different areas of assistance
eclesialidad church and clergy
Educación en la Fe Religious Education
el centro de toda acción at the very center
el ciento por uno one hundredfold; a hundredfold
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
el ejercicio de un liderazgo de servicio ... by exercising a kind of leadership that is focused on service
el Gran Pobre, el Mendigo de nuestro amor the Great Pauper, the One who begs for our love
El movimiento es así: The gist of the story is this: / What it boils down to is this:
el Ordinario diocesan bishop
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
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