The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी धर्म Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
de la iglesia asuncena the church of Asunción
"Como podré pagarle todo el bien que me has hecho" How can I repay the Lord for all the good he has done for me?
'Reponso'/ Spanish to English! Responsory
....del empeño y del amor de muchos laicos comprometidos of the toils and love of many committed laymen
a la merced de at the mercy of
A quienes advertí el parentesco espiritual y obligaciones whom I reminded of their spiritual kinship and obligations
a una together (pull together)
A.R. Asociación(es) Religiosa(s)
abandonarse a las manos de Dios put one\'s life in the hands of God
abocados a la desaparición destined for oblivion
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
acercamiento a la historia personal getting in touch with one\'s personal story (life, circumstances)
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
acontecimiento cristiano Christianity / Christian practice
advocaciones devotion (or devotions)
agentes de pastoral pastoral workers / pastoral servants
aislados secluded individuals
al 100% to the fullest
Entered by: Rene Ron
al cielo con ella. to heaven/paradise with her (Virgen Mary)
al momento de cantarse la gloria at the time of singing the songs of praise
al uso (in this context) of our age
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Alabada seas, niña... ¡Bendita seas! May God bless you, you poor thing, and keep you.
Alabanza y adoración praise and worship
alabanzas hosannas
alba ceñida alb secured around the waist
algo eterno haya dado comienzo a lo finito something eternal must have given rise to our finite universe
Altarero Altar-maker
amancebamiento Concubinage
Entered by: Robert Mavros
anciano elder
apachita (apacheta) sacred cairns (pile of stones in honor of Pachamama)
Apóstol de la vida pública Apostle of Public Affairs
APOSENTILLO small chamber
Apostolado Apostolate
artesa wooden trough
asamblea assembly
asombro (en este contexto) awe
Entered by: Andrea Ali
auxilios espirituales spiritual aids
Ave María Purísima sin pecado concebida Hail purest Mary, conceived without sin
ayer y hoy The prophets of Israel yesterday and today
Ayoi con ristra ayoi [animal skin headdress] with string
ayuda de Parroquia filial church
azora 5 -“La mesa servida”- aleya 4 the served table
Entered by: Edward Tully
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