The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी अन्य Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
bases de participación rules for participation
bases retributivas base/basic compensation
bato bath
bautista (here) Casa Bautista
becerrada bullfight with young bulls
beneficios sociales social benefits
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
biblioratos box files
bidon jerry can
bienes values
Entered by: Edward Tully
binadora plow or plough
Bio-odorizante urbano biological urban deodoriser
BL and CATA fidelidad de marca y encuestas "marque todo lo que corresponda"
Entered by: patinba
bloque carbonatado jurásico A large block of jurassic limestone
boca (de contenedor) container aperture
boca (de una bolsa) top, opening (of a bag)
boca bridada flanged opening
boca roja red opening
bocatoma water intake
boleadoras boleadoras (leather thongs tipped with leather-covered stones)
boletinar send out an advisory
bolillero [ball] bearing
Entered by: ezpz
bolsa de empaque shopping bag
Bolsa de viaje travel bursary / allowance/ grant
bomba de mochila backpack sprayer
bomba de potencia de sangre hand-powered fire pump/engine
bombillas bombillas (small straw-like tubes used for sucking mate out)
bombolla Nothing compares to God / Nothing matters more than God
Entered by: Fiona N�voa
bonos variables variable income bonuses
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
borrén (trasero) / borrén (delantero) cantle / pommel
bosque húmedo pre montaña tropical tropical rain forest mountain range
botar al monte trash/rubbish is dumped in the countryside / on the ground
botellones drinking in the streets/ street drinking
bravo y blanco rough and white-colored OR rough and white
brazo ejecutor breathes life into (his ideas)
Entered by: William Pairman
brindar toast
Broca sierra. saw bit
bromas de mal gusto, lenguaje soez y escenas escatológicas tasteless jokes, rude language and scatological scenes
buchón snitch
buenas condiciones de mantenimiento superficial visibly in good maintenance condition
buey bro
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