The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी चिकित्सकीय: दंतचिकित्सा Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
elementos de contención/contenciones retainers
Emergente de bola ball abutment
Entered by: William Pairman
encerado de diagnóstico diagnostic wax up
Enmuflado / mufla / contramufla enmuffle / muffle / countermuffle or enameler's furnace (para esmaltar)
Estampado de acetato acetate mould
Estas patologias a veces son propias these pathologies are sometimes specific to the nails
estética dental y orofacial dental & orofacial aesthetics
estesiologia esthesiology
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
estomatodinia stomatodynia
Estomatología stomatology
estructura híbrida con muñones hybrid structure with cores
Entered by: liz askew
explorador en forma de Hoz dental explorer [sickle probe]
Extramuros urbanos (urban) community practicum
extremo apical del epitelio de unión Apical end of the epithelial attachment
fenestración-reubicación con tracción extramucosa fenestration and re-positioning/repositioning by extramucosal traction
Entered by: liz askew
Fibras dentoperiósticas dentoperiosteal fibers
fibras gingivoperiósticas gingival periosteal fibres
fijando tornilos fixing screws
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
filtración apical apical leakage
fondos de surco sulcus terminalis
fosfato dicálcico dicalcium phosphate
fosfato monosódico monosodium phosphate
fosfato trisódico trisodium phosphate
FRASE Grind with coarse tungsten carbide bit(cut the shavings with a scalpel)
freno braces
frenos de caballo braces with headgear
fulcro fulcrum
funda dental crown
germen dentario dental bud
giroversión rotation of teeth
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Glucídos carbohydrates
Glucosilcerbrosidosis Glucocerebrosidosis
gomas de desgaste rubber cup polishing paste with abrasives
Entered by: liz askew
grado de impactación degree of impaction
Entered by: liz askew
hemiarcada superior / inferior right and left maxillary/mandibular quadrants
Entered by: liz askew
hidroxiapatita reabsorbible reabsorbable hydroxyapatite
hiperplasia condilar condylar hyperplasia
hipoplasia del cóndilo hypoplasia of the condyle
historias complejas complex case records
implantología oral oral implantology
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