The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी इतिहास Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
diósele su despacho it was resolved
Diferencias de fondo/diferencias de forma differences in substance / form
dio pie para que se cometieran no pocos abusos Opened the door to widespread abuse
Entered by: Edward Tully
diplomatario diplomatarium
Entered by: Simon Bruni
dirigido a referenciar a la Argentina como perteneciente al designed to portray Argentina as belonging to the First-World
Entered by: Marcelo González
Dirigir proyectos whose projects you manage/supervise
disciplinarios disciplinary
discurso redentorista redemptionist discourse/discourse of redemption
disminuyó el ingreso de manufacturas y combustibles the import of manufactured goods and fuel declined
Entered by: patinba
dispone de los bienes controls all the assets
Entered by: William Pairman
disposiciones programáticas provisions of the programs
do I translate saints names for churches? Yes, but in brackets afterwards, except where there is an explanatory description in the text
doble rasero double standard
doblones doubloon
docto y sabio scholars and wisemen
Doctrina mission district
doró el águila gilded the lily
Entered by: Edward Tully
dotar de una organización uniforme to provide consistent administrative structures (to the territories)
echar a suerte / echando a suerte to draw lots for / to draw lots up for it / tossed up for it
echar en suertes at random
echarse a la sierra to take to the hills
economía productiva de base nacional an economy of / based on domestic production
Edad Moderna / moderno/a Early Modern Period / early modern
Ejército borbónico Spanish Army in the Bourbon Period
Ejecutoria de Carlos I Letters patent of nobility Or final judgement
el área rara strange area
El Bachiller Alegria médico Dr./MD
Entered by: liz askew
el Bajo Imperio the Late Empire
el concurso de sus riquezas y de su contingente contribute their wealth and their quotas
el corónimo the choronym
Entered by: David Ronder
El ejercicio de la autonomía y de la Tercera Posición The policy of independence and Third-Positionism
el entramado cultural que caracterizó a la civilidad barroca the cultural framework that characterized baroque civility
El libro 'XXX' radiografía el pasado... The book 'XXX' scrutinizes the past...
El padre de la patria Father of the Nation
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
el pequeño gran timonel the Little Great Helmsman
el peso concejil weighhouse / weigh-house / weigh house
el pueblo tiene un vasto legado patrimonial, Prehispánico y Virreynal the town has a long cultural heritage from both pre-hispanic times and the era of the viceroy(s)
El Puerto Gaditano de Balbo Balbus\' Portus Gaditanus / the Portus Gaditanus constructed by Balbus
el rumor de los barracones amidst the murmur of the camp huts
el Trípode votivo de Platea the Plataean Tripod
Entered by: fionn
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