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स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी सामान्य / बातचीत / संबोधन / पत्र Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
Baticueva batcave (common reference to hangout)
Entered by: Rene Ron
benjamín small bottle of \"cava\" (Spanish champagne)
bicicletería bicycle repair shop
bien juicioso good and sensible
bien llamado así rightly called
bienaventuranza beatitude
bife de chorizo sirloin strip steak/New York strip steak
blanquear come clean about
Entered by: patinba
blanquear una situación come clean
blanquería linen
Bo Barrio > residential district/neighborhood
boliche small fry
Entered by: EirTranslations
Bolsa de información Database
bono de apadrinación A perk from the boss(es)
Entered by: BristolTEc
botar corriente waste (your) time/energy
Entered by: Marcelo González
Botar por el aire toss into the air
Br bachiller = high school graduate (no colocarlo)
brillante entramado (musical) brilliant arrangement
brushing con puntas hacia adentro blow-out (with tips turned under)
BU/Dpto. BU/Dept.
Entered by: Robert Long
Buen provecho bon appetit // enjoy your meal
buena voluntad very attentive
Entered by: Edward Tully
bula (papal) bull
bullets bullet payments
Entered by: BristolTEc
buscarle la más rápida solución a la situación planteada to seek the most expeditious solution to the problem at hand
buzo sweater or sweatshirt
C. Nal. de Vac. National Vaccination Record
C.C. Cabecera I Etapa Cabecera I Etapa Mall
C.I.A.N. Código de Identificación Andaluz de Agencias de Viajes (CIAN)
c/ ( con ) ( denotes intersection of two streets )
caímos en un vacío de inoportunidades lapsed / fell into a bleak state of awkwardness
cañero cool
cabecera head (in this context)
cabecera main office / headquarters
cabillo del mundo little bit of the world
Cabo sastre Investigating Officer
cachirulos pills/rollers
cachora small lizard
cada casa es un mundo each home is a world unto itself
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