The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी प्रमाणपत्र, डिप्लोमा, लाइसेन्स, सार-वृत्त (सीवी) Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
... cuyo documento se hará valer en Sidney, Australia. ... document will be legitimate/ lawful/ recognised by law...
.... Que en el Registro de Nacimientos del Partido Especial In the Births Register of the Special Division los del numero of those acting in and for
...asignaturas rendidas ante los jurados constituidos según ley aparece que... final examinations taken before juries set up according to the law su digno cargo in your custody
...que tengo a la vista... that I have viewed encuentra asentada el acto del tenor siguiente, cuyos datos aparecen al an a record reading as follows is entered ( ), information on which appears on the front
...y13 fraccion VII... Article 13, Section VII
..y en los países con los cuales el nuestro mantiene reciprocidad académica.. and in countries with which XX maintains academic reciprocity
10 vta 10 reverse
16 frs IX (Article) 16 sections IX
1er supl. Deputy
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
1ra Sup. en Func. Acting First Supervisor/Deputy
2º de física Physics II
3/ER BTN. FLROS. PRCDTS. (Fusileros paracaidistas) 3rd Parachute Infantry Battalion
41 fojas que anteceden 41 preceding/foregoing folios / sheets
4c. 08-01 (autoridad expedidora) 4c. 08-01 (issuing authority)
7,59 (siete puntos con cincuenta y nueve centésimos) 7.59 (seven point five nine points)
7º año aprobado 7th year completed and passed
9ª CIA. II BPAC SECC 2nd Paratrooper Reconnaissance Unit, 9th Squadron
a anunciarse como to use the title xxx
a cuyo efecto to which effect/to which end/thus/and therefore
A efectos de For the purpose of ...
a fin de que sirva certificar so that you certify that ...
a la cual pertenece is located, belongs to (depends on context)
a las personas que intervienen la ratifican y firman los que saben This record having been read to the parties involved, it has been signed by all literate parties
a los efectos que proceda for whatever purposes may be deemed proper
a los mismos que se remite para su comprobacion which may be consulted for verification if necessary
a nivel nacional national
a nombre de in the name of [the company]
a objeto de que surta efecto por ante in order for [this deed] to be valid before:
a pedido del interesado y a efcto de ser presentada ante quien corresponda, ON REQUEST OF THE INTERESTED PARTY AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
A pedimento de parte interesada expide firma y sella el infraescrito... At the request of the interested party, the undersigned has set his hand and seal
a que este ocurra of its occurrence
A QUIEN DE CONOCER DOY FE whom I certify to know
a quien en esta acto conozco e identifico por medio de su Doc. Único de I.D. whom I know, and whom I have identified in this proceeding by his Individual Identity Document
a quien interese to whom it may concern
Entered by: Susana Magnani
a ruego upon request
a usted sus mas sinceras Felicitaciones to extend you our most sincere congratulations.
A.A. No traducir (son notas)
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