The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

इतालवी से अंग्रेजी अर्थशास्त्र Translation Glossary

इतालवी term अंग्रेजी translation
comodato attivo o passivo loan receivable/due or loan payable
Comparto produttivo manufacturing industry
Compensazione verticale IRPEF/IRAP con delega F24 IRPEF/IRAP same tax credit compensation, using Form F24
comunicazioni valutarie statistiche statistical foreign currency reports
con deposito a garanzia (urgente) with a security deposit; with an escrow deposit; with a deposit offered as guarantee
con mandato authorised
concessione licence
congiunturale economic / immediate etc.
consiglieri in quota directors representing
Consiglio di Amministrazione Board of Directors
consistente considerable
consolidato attualizzato Consolidated equity at present values
consorziata fellow consortium member company
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
consulenze tecniche di parte (appointments/experience) as an expert witness
Consumi di materie prime a valore produzione Production cost of raw materials (used)
consumi extradomestici outdoor consumption
conto economico riclassificati consolidati. consolidated reclassified income statement
conto gestito managed account
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
Conto personalizzabile customizable account
Contratti di scambio a pronti e a termine swaps: spot and forward
contratto di concessione di vendita agency agreement
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
contrattualizzazione contracting
contributi alle imprese grants to businesses
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
contributi quota proventi prestazioni c/terzi grants for registration fees and income from services with third-parties
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
CONTRIBUTO CONAI ASSOLTO OVE DOVUTO CONAI (national packaging consortium) contribution paid where due
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
contributo previdenziale social security contribution
Controllo congiunto joint control
convenzione standing agreement
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
convenzione bancaria banking agreement
convessità e non negatività dei costi variabili convexity and non-negativity of variable costs
Entered by: Adele Oliveri
copertura tassi interest rate hedging
coperture di cambio a termine forward exchange cover
corso di borsa average stock market price
cost/income (Italian use) costs/income
costi numerari accrued costs
costituito patrimoni destinati allocated capital .... to (in context)
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
cred. soci c/vers. cap. soc. Receivables from shareholders- capital payments account
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
credito di merito credit on merit
Entered by: Angela Arnone
credito di scadenza longest aged accounts receivable
credito incagliato accounts uncollectible
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