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फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी चिकित्सकीय: दंतचिकित्सा Translation Glossary

फ्रांसीसी term अंग्रेजी translation
parodontite periodontitis
pâte dentaire dental paste
pellicule acquise acquired pellicle
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
persistance dentaire (over) retained primary tooth/teeth
PFC = Prothèse fixe céramique Ceramic fixed dental prostheses / Fixed Prosthesis-Ceramic
phrase chirurgicale/prothétique phase
pilier série pre-fabricated post
plan de passage insertion path
plancher dentaire pulpal floor,
plancher lingual floor of the mouth
Entered by: Heather Phillips
plot d'alliage alloy block/ingot
polissage au grain polishing to an X (finish) grit level
port de gouttière Wearing a night mouth guard
porte implant Implant holder
pose-plaque plate holder
poste de charge charging base
Entered by: liz askew
poussées dentaires teething
prise stylo de la pièce à main pencil grip around the hand piece
protections hygiéniques hygienic covers
prothèse adjointe métallique removable metal prosthesis
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
prothèse d'usage the final prosthesis
provisoire laboratoire temporary crowns from the dental laboratory
Pte Point
puits de passage transfixation screw tunnel
puits de serrage transfixation screw tunnel
R/O Actual vs Target
Rattrapage adjustment or compensation
règlette control panel
Entered by: Nicky Over
rétraction de prise no cement retraction or shrinkage
Rétroalveolaire periapical
RHM = Revue de l\'histoire médicale review of medical history
RIPH1 Type 1 Research Involving Human Subjects
Rupteur stress breaker
Entered by: liz askew
saillie antérieure des incisives front(al) protrusion of (the) incisors
Entered by: Paula Price
sans lever de lambeau without raising any flaps
séquent à crossing these points/landmarks
Sign. Signature
socle de reperage survey table
soins dentaires techniques technical dentistry
sollicitées traction will be applied to
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