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फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी वित्त (सामान्य) Translation Glossary

फ्रांसीसी term अंग्रेजी translation
admise à ses opérations. Admitted to its operations
admission à titre de preuve admission/admissibility as proof / evidence
adresse courrier dérogatoire alternative postal address
adresse sociale corporate address
Affaire traitée par order processed by
affaires de tiroir bottom drawering / long fingering
affaires sorties goods put up for sale
Entered by: Susana Magnani
affectation à l’acquit du passif allocation to the discharge of debt (liabilities)
affectation comptable appropriation
Affectation des résultats allocation of income
affecté de la marge de risque adjusted for the credit spread
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
affectée à la garantie de tous les actes de la gestion to guarantee all acts of management; to ensure responsible management
affecter au prix de cession add to the share transfer price
affiché sur le compte shown on the account
Entered by: dmesnier
AGA Attribution d\'actions gratuites
agence d’achats purchasing agency
Entered by: Neil Rear
Agent de Constatation Customs Officer; (here) Loan Officer, Recording Officer
Entered by: Nick Lingris
agent des sûretés security trustee
AGFF cadre TA AGFF A(ssociation) pour la G(estion) du F(onds) de F(inancement)
agissant comme satellite de l\'entreprise acting as a satellite of the company / acting as an arm of the company
agrémentation accreditation
Entered by: liz askew
aléa moral moral hazard
algorithme de la clé de contrôle check digit algorithm
alimentation comptable incoming accounting data
allocation à l'établissement ou démarrage subsidy, grant, allotment ...
allocation obligataire bond allocation
allocation plancher minimum allowance/benefits after (future) reduction adjustments
allocation-pays, strategies-pays country allowances, country strategies
Entered by: Nektaria Notaridou
alternatif sideline sector
Entered by: Emily Plank
amortissement de caducité financial depreciation charge
amortissement des immobilisations depreciation of fixed assets
amortissement du capital amortisation of principal, repayment of principal
amortissement irregulierement differe unlawfully/improperly deferred depreciation/amortisation
amortissements dérogatoires Depreciation required by tax law
amortissements en capital capital repayments
amortissements pratiques en franchise d'impot non-taxable depreciation
ampleur des économies the scale (of savings/economies)
an glissant/année glissante one year rolling
analyse crédit double-examen Two-tier credit control analysis (process)
analyste de contrepartie counterparty analyst
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
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