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फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी पाकशास्त्र/पाककला Translation Glossary

फ्रांसीसी term अंग्रेजी translation
pâté de tête "Pâté de tête" (Country-style pork head pâté)
Pâté en Croûte aux Pistaches, jus de veau pâté with pistachios in a pastry case, veal gravy/jus
pâte de manioc cuite au four tahitien Cassava dough [or pulp or even mashed cassava] baked in Tahitian oven
pâte feuilletée tourée au sucre puff pastry folded with sugar
pâtes rôties baked pasta
pépites acidulées [de groseilles] beads of zingy redcurrant
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
Pétaouchnock ! Slocum-in-the-Hole (U.K.)
Pears (variety names) Keep in French
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
pendant 2 x 20 minutes stir in the middle
perles noires black pearl caviar
petit jus d'herbes delicate herb sauce
petit pains façon buns (American-style) hot dog buns (or rolls)
Petite nage de pétoncles en infusion des bois Queen scallops poached in a wild mushroom broth
Petite pâte coudée à l\'artichaut small artichoke elbow-style pasta
phalan d'agneau / boeuf lamb or beef steak
pièce artistique Decorative arrangement
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Pic brick de scampis (poireau et épices) Crispy scampi bites (with leek & spices)
Piccata de veau "milanese" (Milanese-style) veal piccata
picorette de selection of
pilpil cracked wheat
piment en poudre chilli powder
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
piment espelette Espelette chilli
Entered by: Mark Nathan
pince en "pelote" de vieille pomme de terre potato nest
piqué enhanced, seasoned
piquées au romarin spiked with rosemary
pique/pic de (thon mi cuit au sésame) (lightly-cooked tuna with sesame seeds) on a cocktail stick
Entered by: Tony M
Pithiviers forestier (Pithiviers) puff pastry pie with wild mushrooms
plaque a snacker (large, portable, professional) griddle
Plat à gratiner Au gratin dish
plat témoin / 48 heures sample dish/meal, 48 hours after preparation
PM Pour mémoire
PM (abbreviation) pour mémoire
Entered by: John Di Rico
poêlé aller-retour flash seared
Poêlée de mûres à la glace de lait pan-glazed blackberries with ice-cream/milk
Poêlée di pasta One-pan pasta / One-pot pasta
poêlée minute \"flash-fry\" / (\"sear\" : if followed by more cooking)
poche à douille pastry bag
pocher pipe
Pocher sous vide Poach in a vacuum bag
Entered by: Mark Nathan
pogne pogne (specialty) brioche
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