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अरबी से अंग्रेजी विधि-क़ानून (सामान्य) Translation Glossary

अरबी term अंग्रेजी translation
ينبيء Denotes
ينزل على or to be shown on plans
ينظر فى قضية examine the case
ينعي contest/ challange
ينعي بالبطلان challenge ...... as invalid/ contest ....... as void/ appeal ..... as null
ينعقد الاختصاص بها are discussed under the jurisdictional of
Entered by: hassan zekry
يمين خصمه على نفي الدعوى adversary's oath to deny the claim
يمهل الطرف الثاني grant/give a respite/grace period
Entered by: Tamer Mekhimar
يمثل الجمعية أمام الجهات المختلفة والنطق باسمها. to represent the society in front of different entities and speaks on its behalf
Entered by: hassan zekry
يمضي الطلاق Divorce is valid
يؤدي تفويته إلى تحصن القرار Missing that date leads to/results in the upholding of the decision
يتفرغ الطرف الثاني جزئيا The second party shall devote him/herself partially to participate into …
Entered by: Manar Muhammad Moslem
يتوجب التقيد بأحكام The provisions of ......... must be adhered to
يتم الصرف على الأعمال works are to be funded from
Entered by: mona elshazly
يتبين transpires
Entered by: hassan zekry
يتخذ صفة الادعاء الشخصي in the form of a personal action
Entered by: Ebrahim Mohammed
يتخذ شكلًا منضبطا must follow a specific procedure.
يتعذر تداركها hard to amend/avert
يجوز ولكن ليس إلزاميا it shall be permissible, but not mandatory,
يجبر الكسر the fraction shall be rounded-up
يحل محله بالتوقيع whomever signs in their stead / signs in their place / replaces them as the authorized signatory
Entered by: Mowafak Mohamed
يحمل معول هدمه undermines/refutes itself / entails what undermines/refutes it
يحاج بما يستند إليه The proofs upon which ...... based his argument shall not be accepted
يدلى بالأم على the mother side over
Entered by: hassan zekry
يدخل من تلقاء نفسه To be self-involved
يرفع الحجز على الغير الحائز To lift the garnishment issued by the Tax Office against the third party holder
يروم request
Entered by: Mohamed Rehan
يرتبط بالوزير Report to the Minister
يرتضى التأشير To accept to initial
Entered by: Saleh Ayyub
يرجى التفضل بالاطلاع والإحالة for your kind review and referral
Entered by: Sameh Elnokaly
يرجح proving, clearly indicating, evidencing
يسقط حق ... The right of appeal shall lapse
يسأل shall not be held accountable - liable for -- shall not be responsible for
يطلقها على ذلك divorce her upon this condition
Entered by: Sameh Elnokaly
يعهد entrust with/ assign to
يعرض على النيابة summoned before the prosecution
Entered by: Heba Abed
يصدق approves
يصدر اقرار بالحق an acknowledgement of title
يصدر بالموافقة عليها إذن خاص Requires a special approval issued for it
يصدر حكم no ruling has been issued in it/ it has not been decided over yet
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