The फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी translators listed below specialize in the field of पत्रकारी. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

214 results (paying members)

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Specializes in

S.Paramesh Kumar
S.Paramesh Kumar
Native in अंग्रेजी (Variants: UK, US) Native in अंग्रेजी, हिंदी (Variant: Indian) Native in हिंदी
simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, court interpreter, video remote interpreter, vri, Kannada, Hindi, English, Tamil, Telegu, ...
Mollie Milesi
Mollie Milesi
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
experienced translator, post-editing, editing, French to English, Italian to English, Hebrew to English, high quality, reliable, social sciences, humanities, ...
Armineh Johannes
Armineh Johannes
Native in पेर्श्यियन (फारसी) (Variant: IRAN) Native in पेर्श्यियन (फारसी), आर्मेनी Native in आर्मेनी
Farsi, Armenian, legal translations, medical translations, educational translations, technical translations, Persian/Farsi, Armenian, Farsi translations, Farsi, ...
Valentina Barbieri
Valentina Barbieri
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी, इतालवी Native in इतालवी
कला, दस्तकला, चित्रकारी, इंटरनेट, ई-वाणिज्य, कृषि, वस्त्र/पोशाक/फ़ैशन, ...
Tales Fontão
Tales Fontão
Native in पुर्तगाली Native in पुर्तगाली
english, portuguese, translator, proofreading, subtitling, gastronomy, cookbook, cooking, videogames, TV, ...
Niki Fabregat
Niki Fabregat
Native in फ्रांसीसी (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss, Belgian, Canadian, Luxembourgish) Native in फ्रांसीसी
Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Localization, Interpreting, Review, Transcreation, DTP, French translator, Spanish translator, ...
Ouattara Nanfro
Ouattara Nanfro
Native in फ्रांसीसी (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Native in फ्रांसीसी
Freelance, freelancer, france, french, english, europe, european, automotive, technical, it, ...
Mattia Brundo
Mattia Brundo
Native in इतालवी Native in इतालवी, अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
translator, interpreter, editor, proofreading, proofreader, translation, allign, trados, freelance, SDL, ...
Jacqueline Comte
Jacqueline Comte
Native in अंग्रेजी (Variants: British, UK, US, Canadian, French) Native in अंग्रेजी
german to english, english to german, Deutsch ins Englische, Englische ins Deutsch, Übersetzung, Übersetzungen, translation, translations, Korrektur lesen, proofreading, ...
Madeleine Antaki-Bamford
Madeleine Antaki-Bamford
Native in अंग्रेजी , फ्रांसीसी Native in फ्रांसीसी
French, english, fluent, literature, science, technology
Mark Bossanyi
Mark Bossanyi
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
native English speaker, Bulgarian, French, quick, concise, clear, appropriate style, terminological accuracy, environment, environmental, ...
Anais Devenish
Anais Devenish
Native in अंग्रेजी (Variants: South African, US, French, Australian, British, UK, Canadian, New Zealand) Native in अंग्रेजी
French, Translation, translator, Humanities, travel, tourism, art, writing, literature, communication, ...
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Dr. Codrina Cozma
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
Romanian, French, Spanish, German, English, certificate, religion, business, contracts
Gayle Wallimann
Gayle Wallimann
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
culture, tourism, travel, voyage, literature, littérature, music, musique, children, education, ...
Sofia Bernabò
Sofia Bernabò
Native in इतालवी Native in इतालवी
कंप्यूटर (सामान्य), सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, वायुयान, उड़ान, अंतरिक्ष, परिवहन/यातायात/नौवहन, ...
Chi Ying LEE
Chi Ying LEE
Native in चीनी (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Simplified) Native in चीनी
खगोलविद्या और अंतरिक्ष, कला, दस्तकला, चित्रकारी, मुद्रण और प्रकाशन, इंटरनेट, ई-वाणिज्य, ...
Omar Fassi Fehri
Omar Fassi Fehri
Native in फ्रांसीसी Native in फ्रांसीसी, अरबी Native in अरबी
film subtitler, education, tourism, history, literature, marketing, sustainable development, politics, government, contracts, ...
James Linares
James Linares
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
कला, दस्तकला, चित्रकारी, सामग्रियाँ (प्लास्टिक, सेरामिक, आदि), निर्माण / सिविल अभियांत्रिकी
Ken McKerrow
Ken McKerrow
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
books, buecher, buch, kunst, kunstgeschichte, art history, art, history, geschichte, photography, ...
Debora Blake
Debora Blake
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी, फ्रांसीसी (Variant: Standard-France) Native in फ्रांसीसी
voice-over, voix-off, locutora, doppiaggio, pubblicità, propaganda, advertising, publicité, multimedia, correction, ...

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फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.