10,711 registrants

ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2016

Audience Global

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Posts not matching your language pairs
जर्मन to स्पेनी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

यूनानी to जर्मन translators
Lavender Giraffe
Average blue board rating: 5

यूनानी to अंग्रेजी translators
Lavender Giraffe
Average blue board rating: 5

यूनानी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Lavender Giraffe
Average blue board rating: 5

यूनानी to इतालवी translators
Lavender Giraffe
Average blue board rating: 5

यूनानी to स्पेनी translators
Lavender Giraffe
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to रोमेनियाई translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

रोमेनियाई to जर्मन translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

अंग्रेजी to हंगरी translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

अंग्रेजी to क्रोशियाई translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

रोमेनियाई to फ्रांसीसी translators
Swiss Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.8

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
SDL Ltd.,
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Arancho Doc Group

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Arancho Doc Group

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
Arancho Doc Group

इतालवी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Arancho Doc Group

इतालवी to जर्मन translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to इतालवी translators
Arancho Doc Group

अंग्रेजी to स्वीडी translators
Arancho Doc Group

अंग्रेजी to डेनी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to डेनी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to स्वीडी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to नोर्वेजी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to फिनी translators
Arancho Doc Group

जर्मन to चेक translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to चेक translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to स्लोवाकी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to स्लोवाकी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to हंगरी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to हंगरी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to पोलिश translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to पोलिश translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to नोर्वेजी translators
Nero Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to फिनी translators
Nero Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जापानी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जापानी to अंग्रेजी translators
Lipi Solutions

अंग्रेजी to जापानी translators
Lipi Solutions

हिंदी to अंग्रेजी translators
Lipi Solutions

अंग्रेजी to हिंदी translators
Lipi Solutions

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

ज्योर्जी to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

कोरियाई to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

थाई to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to स्वीडी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to ज्योर्जी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to कोरियाई translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to बल्गारी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to मेसिडोनी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to थाई translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to चीनी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to आइसलैंडी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to एस्टोनियाई translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to लिथुआनी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to लातीवियाई translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to जापानी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to हीब्रू translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to हंगरी translators
Eurotrad srl
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to नोर्वेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.2

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Audience Global

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी translators
Audience Global

डच to अंग्रेजी translators
Audience Global

फ्रांसीसी to डच translators
Audience Global

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी translators
Audience Global

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Audience Global

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
Audience Global

अंग्रेजी to डच translators
Audience Global

डच to फ्रांसीसी translators
Audience Global

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Audience Global

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी interns
Audience Global

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी interns
Audience Global

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी interns
Audience Global

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to फ्रांसीसी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to जर्मन translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to हंगरी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to रोमेनियाई translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

इतालवी to तुर्की translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

अंग्रेजी to डच translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

रूसी to अंग्रेजी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

जर्मन to डच translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

जर्मन to डेनी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी translators
PSG Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

अंग्रेजी to पुर्तगाली translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to स्पेनी translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

पुर्तगाली to स्पेनी translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to इतालवी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

फ्रांसीसी to स्लोवेनी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Average blue board rating: 5

पुर्तगाली to बल्गारी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

चेक to क्रोशियाई translators
Average blue board rating: 5

डच to क्रोशियाई translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी translators
Average blue board rating: 5

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

कोरियाई to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

जापानी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

चीनी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

रूसी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

अंग्रेजी to कोरियाई professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

अंग्रेजी to चीनी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

अंग्रेजी to जापानी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

डच to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

तुर्की to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

पुर्तगाली to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

स्वीडी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन professionals
Average blue board rating: 4

अंग्रेजी to इतालवी translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

इतालवी to अंग्रेजी translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to फ्रांसीसी translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to स्पेनी translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

अंग्रेजी to जापानी translators
WordLab Business Solutions LLP
Average blue board rating: 4.9

स्पेनी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

जापानी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4.6

जापानी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

कोरियाई to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

चीनी to अंग्रेजी professionals
Average blue board rating: 4.6

अरबी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

फ्रांसीसी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

थाई to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

पुर्तगाली to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

हीब्रू to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

फिनी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

स्वीडी to अंग्रेजी translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to स्पेनी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to डच professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to चीनी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to अरबी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to पोलिश professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to पुर्तगाली professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to डेनी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to स्वीडी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to नोर्वेजी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to इतालवी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to फिनी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to यूनानी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to जापानी professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to कोरियाई professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to अंग्रेजी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

फ्रांसीसी to जर्मन translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to फ्रांसीसी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

इतालवी to जर्मन translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to इतालवी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to चीनी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to जापानी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to नोर्वेजी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

जर्मन to स्वीडी translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

अंग्रेजी to जर्मन interns

Audience Global is a fast growing translation and localization company based in Sophia Antipolis, France.

To support our in-house translation-project management team we are offering paid German/ English/ French translator/ Project manager internships‬, for a period of 4 – 6 months. Internships can start any time from October 2016.

Your role will be to assist the project managers and other members of staff. You will have the opportunity to work on all aspects of a language service agency and to the full-lifecycle of the translation project management, including:

Sales – assisting our team with marketing actions, word counts and quotes
Operations – project management, linguist coordination
Linguistics – quality assurance, translation, proofreading, text alignment and translation memory building.

Job requirements:
Degree-level education in the applicable language(s)
Excellent source language understanding (FR / DE / EN)
Excellent attention to detail
Good written/verbal communication
Flexibility and ability to work to a deadline
Knowledge of MS Office, SDL Studio or other CAT tools.

Application process:
Please submit a CV & covering letter on the “Join Our Team” section of our website.

Current national minimum wage