किन भाषाओं में काम करते हैं:
अंग्रेजी से उर्दू
अंग्रेजी से पंजाबी
उर्दू से अंग्रेजी

Right Translation - We the Communicators - zartashia khaliq
we are the communicators.

स्थानीय समय : 07:16 PKT (GMT+5)

वतनी भाषा: पंजाबी Native in पंजाबी, उर्दू Native in उर्दू
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10 positive reviews
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What zartashia khaliq is working on
May 27, 2022 (posted via ProZ.com):  Open for work oppertunities while working on Japanese Loft 2 and Italian Lift Transcription projects. ...more, + 11 other entries »
Total word count: 0

खाता प्रकार फ्रीलांसकर्ता और आउटसोर्सर, Identity Verified सत्यापित साइट उपयोगकर्ता
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सेवाएँ Translation, Transcription, Software localization, Website localization, MT post-editing, Editing/proofreading, Project management, Training, Subtitling, Interpreting, Desktop publishing, Vendor management, Transcreation
गेम / वीडियो गेम/ गेमिंग/ कसीनोदूरसंचार
विधि-क़ानून: अनुबंधचिकित्सकीय: उपकरण
व्यवसाय/वाणिज्य (सामान्य)सामान्य / बातचीत / संबोधन / पत्र
सूचना प्रौद्योगिकीकाव्य और साहित्य
कंप्यूटर: सॉफ़्टवेयरधर्म

अंग्रेजी से उर्दू - दरें: 0.09 - 0.20 USD प्रति शब्द / 15 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा / 4.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
अंग्रेजी से पंजाबी - दरें: 0.09 - 0.20 USD प्रति शब्द / 15 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा / 4.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
उर्दू से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.09 - 0.20 USD प्रति शब्द / 15 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा / 4.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
पंजाबी से उर्दू - दरें: 0.09 - 0.20 USD प्रति शब्द / 15 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा / 4.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
अंग्रेजी से पुश्तो - दरें: 0.09 - 0.20 USD प्रति शब्द / 15 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा / 4.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
कुडोज़़ गतिविधि (PRO) उत्तरित प्रश्न: 7
इस उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा की गई ब्लू बोर्ड प्रविष्टियाँ  2 प्रविष्टियाँ

Payment methods accepted वायर ट्रांसफर, चेक, मनीऑर्डर, Skrill, पेपाल, वीज़ा, Payoneer, Wise, MoneyGram, payoneer, Transferwise, Binance | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Company size 10-25 employees
Year established 2015
Currencies accepted Australian dollars (aud), Canadian dollars (cad), Euro (eur), Indian rupees (inr), Pakistan rupees (pkr), U. S. dollars (usd)
पोर्टफ़ोलियो जमा किए गए नमूने के अनुवाद: 5
This company Offers job opportunities for employees
Offers job opportunities for freelancers
अनुवाद शिक्षण Master's degree - Mohi-ud-in Islamic University
अनुभव अनुवाद में अनुभव के वर्ष: 17। प्रोज़.कॉम में पंजीकरण: Jul 2009।
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
प्रत्यायक (क्रिडेन्शियल) N/A
सदस्यताएँ IIUI
सॉफ़्टवेयर Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Frontpage, Google Translator Toolkit, Lilt, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Protemos, ProZ.com Translation Center, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, STAR Transit, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM
वेबसाइट https://www.rightranslation.com
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Transition from freelancer to another profession
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
  • Improve my productivity
i am a native Urdu/Punjabi freelancer.

Quality work and stick to deadlines is my first priority.

i am reliable and committed provider.

i want to make a true relationship with my clients based on trust and confidence upon my skills and your given platform.

i have achieved "The Editors Choice award" from Poetry.com ...........
I asure you that i will follow the way that will lead me and you to a mutual benefit point.
zaree18's Twitter updates
    कुंजी-शब्द: urdu translators, urdu interpreters, localization, urdu typing, computers Pakistan, Native Urdu Translator, Native Urdu speaker, Qualified Native Urdu Speaker, Freelance Translator, English-Urdu Translator. See more.urdu translators, urdu interpreters, localization, urdu typing, computers Pakistan, Native Urdu Translator, Native Urdu speaker, Qualified Native Urdu Speaker, Freelance Translator, English-Urdu Translator, English- Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Western Punjabi, Urdu translation, Pakistani languages, Indian languages, Translation, editing, proof reading in Urdu, Asian languages, Urdu literature, Urdu journalism, Urdu poetry, Best Urdu Translator, English<>Urdu, English Urdu, English, Urgent Translation, Error Free Translation, Punjabi English Translator, English to Urdu translator, Pakistani Translator, Experienced Urdu Translator, Urdu Captioning, Punjabi captioning, Urdu/Punjabi captioning, Urdu subtitling, Punjabi Subtitling, Urdu constructionist, Punjabi constructionist, Urdu transcription, Punjabi transcription, cheap translator, cheap translation, Human translator, quality translator, new translator, experienced native urdu translator, Experienced Punjabi translator, Persian Translators, technical translator. See less.

    पिछली बार इस तिथि को प्रोफ़ाइल का अद्यतन हुआ
    Nov 6