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पंजाबी से अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी से सिंधी सिंधी से अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी से मणिपुरी मणिपुरी से अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी से हिंदी हिंदी से अंग्रेजी अंग्रेजी से बंगाली बंगाली से अंग्रेजी
My motive Fulfilling the required demands with reliable services on reasonable rates
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
अंग्रेजी से उर्दू - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा उर्दू से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा अंग्रेजी से पंजाबी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा पंजाबी से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा अंग्रेजी से सिंधी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा
सिंधी से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा अंग्रेजी से मणिपुरी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा मणिपुरी से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा अंग्रेजी से हिंदी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा हिंदी से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा अंग्रेजी से बंगाली - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा बंगाली से अंग्रेजी - दरें: 0.08 - 0.09 USD प्रति शब्द / 20 - 25 USD प्रति घंटा
वीज़ा, मास्टरकार्ड, अमेरिकन एक्सप्रेस, वायर ट्रांसफर, चेक, मनीऑर्डर, Skrill, पेपाल, | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Company size
50-100 employees
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जमा किए गए नमूने के अनुवाद: 8
अंग्रेजी से हिंदी: Sample translations Detailed field: वायुयान, उड़ान, अंतरिक्ष
अनुवाद - हिंदी अदाबानुकूलित कक्ष
ज्वलनशील तरलीय को रखने के लिए प्रयोग न करें
अधि.सामान 300 एलबीएस
भार और संतुलन के लिए फ्लाइट कार्यपुस्तिका देखें
अदाबानुकूलित कक्ष
ज्वलनशील तरलीय को रखने के लिए प्रयोग न करें
अधि. सामान500 एलबीएस
भार और संतुलन के लिए फ्लाइट कार्यपुस्तिका देखें
अंग्रेजी से पंजाबी: Sample translations Detailed field: सामान्य / बातचीत / संबोधन / पत्र
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी • What is your relationship with the child(ren)? Mother Father Relative Other: ________________
• Did your case planner tell you that an ACS worker would be at the conference? Yes No
• Before the conference, did you have concerns about having an ACS worker at the conference? Yes No
If yes, what were your concerns? Did you tell someone, and how did they respond?
• Was it helpful to have ACS at the table?
अंग्रेजी से उर्दू: Sample translations Detailed field: पर्यटन और यात्रा
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी Leeds. Whether you’re a resident, visitor, student or business you can’t help falling in love with the UK’s favourite city! To find out more, let us personalise your experience of this website by providing us with a few details about yourself: Leeds is a thriving, passionate city that you are sure to fall in love with. By day, its prosperous business centre offers a diverse range of working opportunities.
अनुवाद - उर्दू لیڈز.آپ وہاں کے مستقل شہری ہوں یا ایک عارضی مسافر ، طالب علم ہوں یا کاروباری شخصیت آپ UKکے سب سے زیادہ پسندیدہ شہر لیڈز کی محبت میں گرفتار ہوئے بغیر رہ ہی نہیں سکتے .مگر اس سے پہلے کہ ہم آپ کو آگے کچھ بتائیں ہم چاہیں گے کہ ہماری اس ویب سائٹ کا تجربہ آپ کے لیے زیادہ دلچسپ اور منفرد بنائیں .آئیے ہمیں اپنے متعلق کچھ بنیادی معلومات دیجیے.لیڈز ایک زندگی سے بھرپور شہر ہے۔ ہمیں یقین ہے کہ آپ اس سے محبت کیے بغیر رہ نہ سکیں گے۔ دن نکلتے ہی لیڈز کے مشہور کاروباری مرکز میں آئیے، یہاں آ پ کو کاروبار اور ملازمت کے بھرپور اور متفرق مواقع باہم ملیں گے
अंग्रेजी से मणिपुरी: Sample translations Detailed field: चिकित्सकीय (सामान्य)
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी Who are we?
We provide the Statutory Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) service in Birmingham and Sandwell.
Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) are being provided for patients subject to the Mental Health Act. IMHAs are specialist advocates who will receive training to help people understand how the Act applies to them and exercise their rights.
Can I have support from an IMHA?
You have a right to support from an IMHA if you are:
• Detained under the Mental Health Act (even if you are currently on leave from hospital) EXCEPT if you are detained under sections 4, 5(2), 5(4), 135 or 136
• Conditionally discharged and restricted
• Subject to Guardianship under the Act
• On Supervised Community Treatment (SCT).
अनुवाद - मणिपुरी اساں کنڑ یاں ؟
اساں )آئی ایم ایچ اے) آلے برمنگھم تے سینڈول وچ اپڑیں مرضی نے مالک یاں تےایتھے لوکاں نی دماغی صحت نے حولےنال قنونی وکالت کرنے یاں.
(آئی ایم ایچ اے) دماغی صحت نی وکالت نیان خدماتاں مریضاںنی صرف دماغی صحت نے قنونیں کی سامڑیں تری کیہ ہی کرنے یاں ۔ (آئی ایم ایچ اے) آلے بڑےماہر وکیل لوک ایہ جہڑے اس گلیہ نی تربیت کنسنڑ کہ لوکاں ایں کس طراں ایہ دسیا جلے ایہ قنون لوکاں آستے آ، تے کس طراں لوک اپڑیں حقے نا استمال کری سکڑیں
کیہ می کی (آئی ایم ایچ اے) کولوں کوئی امدد لبی سکڑیں ؟
تساں کی آئی ایم ایچ اے کولوں امددکننے نا حق تھیا ، جے تساں :
• دماغی صحت نے قنون نےما تحت بندی وانڑ یو (پاویں تساں اس ویلے ہسپتالے سوں چھٹی پر ہوو( ماسوائے اس قنون نیاں شقاں 4 5(2), 5(4), 135،یا 136نے ما تحت)
• کسے شرطے نال یا تھوڑی بہوں آذادی لبی ہوے
• قنون نے ما تحت کسے نے سرپرست ہوو
• مقامی لوگوں نی نگرانی وچ (ایس سی ٹی) علاج کرانڑیں ہوو
अंग्रेजी से पुश्तो: Sample translations Detailed field: यांत्रिकी / यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी New: Clears text message entry fields (deletes the recipients list and message content, as appropriate) so you can input a new text message.
Import: Opens a file list window where you can choose a text file whose contents will be displayed in the Message field.
Copy: Copies the selected text from the message input field.
واچو د ویندوز لیست خشی که چه ستاسو په دی لاره د کتبی پیغام چه په پیغام کی دی، انتخاب کولاشی
کاپی د منتخب نوشته د صفحه پیامک صفحی نه کاپی کوی
अंग्रेजी से दारी: Sample translations Detailed field: यांत्रिकी / यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी New: Clears text message entry fields (deletes the recipients list and message content, as appropriate) so you can input a new text message.
Import: Opens a file list window where you can choose a text file whose contents will be displayed in the Message field.
Copy: Copies the selected text from the message input field.
अनुवाद - दारी نو پاک نمودن صفحه پیام های ورودی ( فهرست و پیام های ثبت شده پاک می شوند) شما می توانید پیام جدید بنویسید
وارد کنید فهرست ویندوز را باز می کند که از اینطریق پیام کتبی را که درپیام فهرست است می توانید انتخاب کنید
کاپی نوشته های انتخاب شده از صفحه پیامک ها را کاپی می کند
अंग्रेजी से पंजाबी: Sample translations Detailed field: चिकित्सकीय (सामान्य)
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी Community Care Services
Day Care Centres/Units for the Elderly, Enhanced Home and Community Care Services Teams, Integrated Home Care Services Teams and Home Help Team provide services, such as personal care, nursing care, rehabilitation training, social activities, day respite services and carer support services, for frail elders and/or elders in need of services in a familiar home and community environment.
Residential care services provide residential care and facilities for elders aged 65 or above who, for personal, social, health and/or other reasons, cannot adequately be taken care of at home. Persons aged between 60 and 64 may apply if there is a proven need. In brief, there are four types of residential care services, namely, Hostels for the Elderly, Homes for the Aged, Care and Attention Homes for the Elderly and Nursing Homes.
अनुवाद - पंजाबी کمیونیٹی کیئر سروسز
دے کیئر سینٹراں، وڈی عمر دیاں لوکاں دے یونٹاں، کمیونیٹی کیئر سروسز۔دیاں ٹیماں، اک جگہ کیتیاں ہوئیاں ہوم کیئر ٹیماں تے ہوم ہیلپ ٹیماں ایس طرحاں دیاں سروساںبڈھے ماڑے تے لاچار لوکاں نوں جہڑےضرورت مند ہوونڑتے اوہ کسےاہیوجے مشہورگھرتے کمیونیٹی دی فضاء وچ رہنڈے ہوونڑ، زاتی توجہ، نرسنگ، معزوری توں بعد بحالی دی تربیت، سماجی مشغلیاں، اک دیہاڑے دی سروس تے روزگار لئی مدد دی طرحاں دیاں سروساں دیندیاں نیں
ریزیڈینشل کیئر سروسز
ریزیڈینشل کیئر سروساں 65 سال تے اس توں اتے دی عمر دے لوکاں نوں جہڑے کسے ذاتی، معاشرتی، صحت یا فیر کسی وی ہور وجہ نال اپڑیاں گھراں وچ صیح طریقے نال نہ ویکھے جا سکنڑ انہاں نوں رہائیش دیاں سہولتاں دیدیاں نیں۔ 60 توں 64 وریاں دے بندے جے اوہ ایہ ثابت کرلینڑ کہ اوہ ضرورت مند نیں ایس سروس لئی درخواست دے سکدے نیں۔ مختصر ایہ کہ ریزیڈینشل کیئر سروسز، چار طرحاں دیاں نیں تے انہاں دے ناں ایہ نیں ہاسٹل فار ایلڈرلی، ہون فار دی ایجڈ، کیئر اینڈ اٹینشن ہومزفار ایلڈرلی تے نرسنگ ہوم
अंग्रेजी से अरबी: Sample translations Detailed field: सामान्य / बातचीत / संबोधन / पत्र
स्रोत पाठ - अंग्रेजी Kindly request to approve on giving qatari driving license for Mr.Rachna Premrao nationality Indian holder of PP No. E2326223 or ID Number 27935626062 as he is working under my sponsorship and i have no objection to give him qatari driving license as per the law followed by your department.
अनुवाद - अरबी يرجى منكم ان توافقوا على منح رخصة القيادة القطرية للسيد/ راشنا بريم راو هندي الجنسية يحمل جواز السفر رقم: E2326223 أو رقم بطاقة الهوية: 27935626062، كما أنه تحت كفالتي و ليس لي اعتراض على منحه رخصة القيادة القطرية حسب القانون الذي تتبعه مصلحتنا.
Standards / Certification(s)
Notary Approved
अनुवाद शिक्षण
Master's degree - University of Karachi
अनुवाद में अनुभव के वर्ष: 22। प्रोज़.कॉम में पंजीकरण: Jun 2009।
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JUNAID DOGAR English <> Urdu/Punjabi (Native) Translator, Proofreader, Transcriber, DTP, Corporate Identity Kit, Editing, Content-Writing, Voice Over and Voice recording Services
Academically, I have been awarded with 3 Master Degrees which are in English Literature, Urdu Literature and English Linguistics. Professionally, I have a 3 years Diploma in the Art of Multimedia. Education bibliography is tabulated as under:
Year Level Subject Institution 2008 Master's English Linguistics University of Karachi 2007 Master's Urdu Literature University of Karachi 2006 Master's English Literature University of Karachi 2004 Bachelor's English (Elective) University of Karachi 2003 Diploma Art of Multimedia ZAS Multimedia college 2001 Intermediate Science DJ Science College 1999 Matriculation Science Al-Manar Model School
Translator and Proofreader
From the beginning in 2003 to till, I have successfully completed numerous translation/proofreading projects from the origins of US, UK, Egypt, Dubai, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and Pakistan in the following fields:
Society, Culture, Medicine, Pharmacology, Law, Immigration, Livestock, Dairy, Food Industry, Journalism, Defence, Education and Pedagogy, Certificates / Testimonials and General Subjects.
I have successfully completed several assignments in the translation. My skills and experience include professional interpreting, court interpreting, transcription from audio/video, and audio voice over, editing and proofreading.
There are a number of short stories which I have translated from English to Urdu and Panjabi. These stories have been published in several periodicals, magazines and journals in Pakistan.
I have the honor of representing many prestigious organizations and have had the opportunity to translate information brochures, leaflets, newsletters operational manuals, immigration documents, divorce certificates, property documents, marriage certificates, degrees/diplomas legal contracts, lease agreements, affidavits, wills, information booklets advertisement, official letters, research reports, contracts documents, books and many more promotional materials of similar kind.
Transcription, Voice Over and Voice recording Services
With the poise of expertise in said language set, I am eagerly capable to provide transcription, voice over and voice recording services (at my own studio using Sony Cinescore 1.0c, Sony Vegas pro 8.0a, Sony Vegas pro 8.0b, Sony ACID pro 6.0d, Sony CD Architect 5.2c, Sony DVD Architect Studio 4.5c, Sony DVD Architect pro 4.5a, Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0b) with the optimum accuracy setting forth a trustful and reliable working environment between me and my customers.
Desktop Publication (DTP) And Corporate Identity Kit
Being qualified in the Art of Multimedia; assuring the good quality of dazzling artwork that never caused any eye to be missed just in one sight, I have good command over DTP and Corporate Identity Kit software such as:
o Adobe InDesign o Adobe Frame Maker o Adobe PageMaker o CorelDraw o Microsoft Office Publisher o QuarkXPress o Adobe After Effects o Adobe Atmosphere o Adobe Audition o Adobe Bridge services o Adobe Dimensions o Adobe Encore DVD o Adobe Framemaker o Adobe Golive o Adobe Illustractor o Adobe Incopy o Adobe Live Cycle Designer o Adobe PageMaker o Adobe Photoshop Album o Adobe Photoshop o Adobe Photoshop Elements o Adobe Premiere Pro o Adobe Streamline o Adobe Acrobat Professional o Adobe Dreamweaver Professional o Adobe Flash Professional o Adobe Soundbooth Professional o Adobe On Location (Win) o Adobe Ultra (Win) o Adobe Stock Photos o Adobe Version Cue o Adobe Flash Video Encored o Adobe Fireworks o Adobe Incopy o Adobe LiveMotion
Web Designing
With the vast experience of using above mentioned software, not only to give your site an attracting interface despite I am quite able to provide the next generation integrity between the interface and the backhand code using the following:
Client Side Coding • JavaScript • PHP • Adobe Flash Player • Microsoft Silverlight Server Side Coding • ASP • ColdFusion • Java • PHP Database Technology • Microsoft SQL Server • MySQL • Oracle
Accuracy is the ever demanding need of everybody in all kinds of work but the place it has taken in the field of documentation puts it at the higher rank amongst all. To meet the higher standard of accuracy, I have designed the 3P system i.e. Prepare > Probe > Produce and deliver all of the assigned tasks possibly error free.
Accessing somebody was never alike as it is today; having all the best possible means of communication I am available to my clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on Land/Cell phones, Skype etc.
I have signed to all famous e-mail servers like yahoo, gtalk, hotmail and my own at My clients, always, find me the prompt replier to their requirements and queries and help my PMs to meet their toughest deadlines.
Clinical Trials
Demanding needs of translation in the field of clinical trials, especially in the Indo-Pak regions, are always welcomed and completed by me with regards to best fit the comprehension level of peoples unfamiliar with the clinical terms and field's specific format. Comprehensively, I have accomplished several patient assessment projects, questionnaires, Interviews, Instructions and other socio-medical literature in Urdu and Panjabi.
Amongst all of my tasks, confidentiality is always prioritized and I have been considered as the most reliable person amongst all of my clients.
Computer Aided Translation (CAT)
As an advance level linguistic, I am also the professional user of CAT tools including SDL Trados (2007, 2009 and 2011), SDLX Studio, loc studio, Word fast, MS leaf, MS Helium, and Resource studio etc.
Internationally Recognized
My work has proven me the internationally recognized linguistic with many clients around the globe including US, UK, Egypt, Dubai, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan and many others. My clients always remained satisfied and happy with the level of responsibility, the degree of quality and the zeal of prompt delivery I undertake in handling their projects.
Online Tasks
Moreover, to my capabilities and tools of translation, I have been providing the services of: Direct translation on the client's server; online interpretation; contiguous glossary analyzer and translation memory feeder.
Translation Phenomenon
Despite producing word to word robotic translation, I aimed to convert all the source text into the target language which is easily understood by the addressed readers, and maintain the cross-culture requirements of the text. Although, the use of too idiomatic phrases is usually typical to understand by common readers, therefore, it is given the due consideration in all deliverables.
My Priority
Quantity with quality in timely manner is my supreme priority. Nothing is dearer to me except my work and to gain the confidence of my clients. My years are enriched with extensive and strenuous professional experience in different fields of translation. If you are interested in my services I would be pleased to send you my c.v.
Certified Documents
I can provide certified copies of Urdu into English translation of marriage certificates, affidavits and other documents used in support of immigration applications. Certified copies of my Urdu into English translation are accepted by the Home Office, UK and British High commissions, Americans Embassies, Australian High commissions and Canadians high commissions in Pakistan and the rest of the countries.
May it would be wondered to have the services of such a professional translator in affordable rates, notwithstanding, my rates are very competitive and I assure my clients with a high quality of translation with prompt delivery.
English to Urdu & Punjabi - Rates: $ 0.09 per word for translation and $ 0.04 per word for proofreading. My hourly rate is 25 USD and for other services it is depend on projects.
Daily Workload
With complete satisfaction of my clients, I can translate up to 4000 words in a day with the excellent quality.
I have always enjoyed working and I am sure, you will also enjoy working together with me.
For more information me and my company's services (Iqra Linguistics Translation Services) please check my website ( or company profile.
इस उपयोगकर्ता ने दूसरे अनुवादकों को प्रो-स्तरीय पदों के अनुवाद में मदद करके कुडोज़ अंक अर्जित किए हैं। पदों के लिए दिए गए अनुवाद देखने के लिए अंकों के योग पर क्लिक करें।
कुंजी-शब्द: Urdu, English to Urdu, Urdu to English, English to Panjabi, TranslationUrdu, Transcription Urdu, Translation Panjabi, Transcription Panjabi, English to Urdu translation, English to Urdu freelance translation work. See more.Urdu, English to Urdu, Urdu to English, English to Panjabi, TranslationUrdu, Transcription Urdu, Translation Panjabi, Transcription Panjabi, English to Urdu translation, English to Urdu freelance translation work, English to Urdu freelancer, Urdu translator freelance work, Urdu freelance translator, Native Urdu Translator, Native Urdu freelance translator, Native Urdu translator online, Native Urdu translator, Urdu freelance translation work, English to Urdu freelance work, Native Urdu translator, English>Urdu Translator, Urdu translator, Pakistani translator, Pakistani Freelance Translator, Urdu>English Freelancer, Urdu English translator, Urdu Freelancer, Pakistan, experienced translator, translation Agency, English to Urdu translation, English to Urdu translator, english to urdu translation pakistan, urdu translation india, urdu english translator uk usa spain canada honkong london, america spain india pakistan canada urdu Translation, urdu translators pakistan uk usa, english urdu medical legal translation company, Urdu, English, Medical, Legal, Document, Translation, Medical legal Financial Technical translation services in Uk Usa Pakistan India Spain Hongkong.. See less.
पिछली बार इस तिथि को प्रोफ़ाइल का अद्यतन हुआ Dec 24, 2024