I02-Interpreting: Consecutive, Level 1

Format: Videos
Topic: Interpreting

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 180 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.

The courses may be taken individually or as a progressive series of bundles, in real time online on scheduled dates, on dates scheduled at your request, or on-demand at your own pace in video format. Additionally, each participant who purchases a bundle will receive a free bonus lesson in project management plus a free one-on-one career-planning 1/2 hr session with Claudia (via Skype) to help you design your personalized roadmap to your professional future in the industry, or to discuss in detail any topic of particular interest to you.

Pay only 120 USD (regular price 218 USD). Click here to buy with the discount.

Find all sessions from the bundle below:

  • Over-the-Phone Interpreting - OPI Level 1 (i13A-W90)
  • Over-the-Phone Interpreting - OPI Level 2 (i13B-W90)
  • Interpreting: Consecutive Interpreting Level 1 (#In02V-180)
  • Interpreting: Remote Interpreting Level 1 (#In03V-180)

  • Language:अंग्रेजी
    Summary:Do you want to work as an interpreter in the community, or in business, or the healthcare industry? Do you think you can work as an interpreter for the military or the courts? Did you know that interpreting is growing at a rate of 22% per year, more than most other professions? This is your first step to your professional development!
    Learn the underpinnings of Consecutive Interpreting, the most popular form of interpreting. The interpreter listens to several sentences delivered by a speaker in the source language, taking notes to ensure accuracy and completeness in the capture of the message; the speaker then stops talking to allow the interpreter to deliver the verbal interpretation of the message; during such pause, the interpreter conveys the information out loud and clearly, in the target language; the speaker and any other parties involved listen in silence to the interpreter; once the interpreter stops, the same speaker or a different one will start speaking again while the interpreter listens. The cycle is repeated until the conversation ends.

    During this workshop you will learn the basic roles of the consecutive interpreter as a conduit, a clarifier, a culture broker and an advocate. You will understand the importance of ethics, cultural competence, confidentiality, accuracy, completeness, impartiality, professional courtesy, and impediments to performance. You will learn about standards of practice, legislation and regulations (or the lack thereof), certification and training available.

    Stress will be given to the need for highly developed note-taking skills. Information will be shared about exercises to improve memory and how to analyze ideas to understand content. Practice exercises will be provided to learn how to listen for meaning and how to prepare for interpreting assignments, including guides to acquire linguistic knowledge and technical terminology in the primary and secondary working languages, in different specialties and industries.
    Target audience
    Professional Translators
    Aspiring Translators
    Professional Interpreters
    Aspiring Interpreters
    Fully bilingual personnel who wish to enter the language industry
    Learning objectives
    Interpreting Bundle 2 of 4
    At the completion of this workshop, you will clearly understand the training and competencies required to work as a consecutive interpreter, including the core processes of critical thinking, decision-making, and the ability to assess cultural interactions. You will have learned the work you must undertake to follow the most important standards of practice, and to acquire vocabulary and context, improve memory and note taking, ensure quality, accuracy, thoroughness, equivalency and correct usage; and how to deliver your message with adequate enunciation, speed , efficiency and effectiveness.
    Fully Bilingual, with one of the languages being English.
    Registration and payment information (click here to expand)
    Click to expand
    Price: 40.00 USD

    Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here here.
    Created by
     Claudia Brauer    View feedback | View all courses
    Bio: Claudia became a trainer of translators and interpreters in 2011, after 35 years of experience as a translator and interpreter. She is also a speaker, writer and blogger on topics related to the current state of the translation and interpreting industry.

    She has designed and delivered more than 300 hours of proprietary content and uses her wikis to freely disseminated some 25 copyrighted tools designed to help translators and interpreters in the 21st century virtual village.

    The vision of BrauerTraining is to educate translators and interpreters, so they may become great quality professionals with a high code of ethics, embracing technology to remain competitive in today's world.

    Claudia can be found on the web at http://brauertraining.com and on Twitter as @Brauer21Century.
    General discussions on this training

    I02-Interpreting: Consecutive, Level 1
    Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina
    Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Identity Verified
    Local time: 20:28
    अंग्रेजी से स्पेनी
    + ...
    Live session...Oct 25, 2011

    I´d like to know if this webinar will be offered 'live' again some time. I am interested in the knowledge I will gain, but I also would like to have a certificate of attendance.

    Thanks in advance,

    Helen Shepelenko
    Helen Shepelenko
    साइट कर्मी
    The course will not be conducted this year, but please stay tuned for updatesOct 25, 2011

    Hello Elena,

    In the near future, I am afraid, there is no plans to conduct the webinar you are referring to, but you can stay tuned for updates and check for new webinars on the webinar page, http://www.proz.com/translator-training/format/webinar-presentations

    Hope this helps.
    My bests,

    Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina
    Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Identity Verified
    Local time: 20:28
    अंग्रेजी से स्पेनी
    + ...
    I am sorry I missed it then...Nov 1, 2011

    Dear Helen,

    Thank you for your kind answer.
    I am very sorry to hear this webinar will not be repeated live again, not in the near future anyway!

    You know, just as a suggestion, perhaps Proz can do a little more publicity regarding webinars, for example, you can probably add a small 'window' like the 'featured translator' one, with something like 'Upcoming webinars this week'... or so. I know you have a section for Upcoming ProZ.com offline events and online training se
    ... See more
    Dear Helen,

    Thank you for your kind answer.
    I am very sorry to hear this webinar will not be repeated live again, not in the near future anyway!

    You know, just as a suggestion, perhaps Proz can do a little more publicity regarding webinars, for example, you can probably add a small 'window' like the 'featured translator' one, with something like 'Upcoming webinars this week'... or so. I know you have a section for Upcoming ProZ.com offline events and online training sessions at the bottom of the home page, but maybe some people doesn´t take the time to go all the way down!

    Also, is it possible for you all to plan webinars to be conducted in two different dates, just like you do with Trados webinars? In my case, I was very interested to attend this webinar, but I wasn´t able to do it on the date scheduled. If there are two dates available, it gives more chances to participants.

    Well, I greatly appreciate all the efforts you are doing in organizing all these training events for us.

    Thank you,


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