Translation Glossaries from the Web
Search and contribute to this directory of translation glossaries online
4026-4050 of 8054 results
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
Financial Dictionary |
This financial EN-EN dictionary contains 3036 financial terms.
GeneReview's Genetics Glossary
University of Washington, Seattle |
Genetics glossary
Guide to Biotechnology: Glossary
Biotechnology Industry Organization |
Guide to Biotechnology: Glossary
Glossary of Biotech Terms
AusBiotech Ltd |
Glossary of Biotech Terms
Downloadable PDF file
Taxation Glossary
Australian Taxation Office |
Dictionary of the Academy of the Arabic Language
Academy of the Arabic Language |
This free resource was developed by our staff members and contributors and is still very much under construction. Currently, most of our 8300+ terms deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics. We also have some terms relating to ecology, limnology, pharmacology, toxicology and medicine. Don't expect to find common or e... View more
Agricultural Biotechnology: Informing the Dialogue. Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Ithaca NY. 2003.
National Research Council. Animal Biotechnology: Science-Based Concerns. Washington, DC. 2003
Often we are asked questions about the meaning of the terms and concepts ERS uses in describing farm income, the farm sector balance sheet, and production costs and returns. This glossary is intended to provide the user with a working definition of the key terms and a better understanding of how these concepts are applied in estimating the perform... View more
Covers agricultural acronyms and crop abbreviations in two different links. Published by the US Department of Agriculture, Risk Management Agency.
Ponemos a su alcance este glosario, con una explicación amena de aquellos términos que forman parte del vocabulario de este fascinante mundo, para que aquellos interesados en no quedarse atrás, no encuentren ninguna traba.
Claramente, hay una gran necesidad por parte de quienes están fuera de las comunidades de investigación, nutrición y sal... View more
Biotecnología - Glosario
Metallurgy Glossary |
Metallurgy is the science and technology of metals and alloys. Process metallurgy is concerned with the extraction of metals from their ores and with refining of metals; physical metallurgy, with the physical and mechanical properties of metals as affected by composition, processing, and environmental conditions; and mechanical metallurgy, with the... View more
Glossary of Metallurgical Terms
Videogame Glossary
Terms used in describing techniques of creating images, scenery and objects, putting them all together to create a world, and then displaying them in a way fast enough to be enjoyable and clever enough to be understandable (3D world on a 2D surface and all that).
Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
AtlantaSouthGastroenterology, P.C. |
Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Glossary
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Inc. (IFFGD) |
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Glossary
Glossary of Food Safety Terms
Food Safety and Quality Project, Iowa State University Extension |
Glossary of Food Safety Terms
Islamic Dictionary |
general medicine terms
Digestive Health and Disease: A Glossary
National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse |
Digestive Health and Disease
Gloss�rio de termos t�cnicos em ingl�s de economia, finan�as e e.commerce
Instituto Polit�cnico de Viseu |
Sleep Apn�a Glossary
The Sleep Apn�a Trust |
The Sleep Apnœa Trust
Arabic Glossary Search
Expertwell Systems |
Lexique des personnes handicapées / Glossary of Terms Pertaining to
Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada / Public Works and Government Services Canada |
"Le Lexique des personnes handicapées comprend quelque 1 800 entrées. Outre la terminologie à caractère sociologique, l'utilisateur trouvera dans ce lexique des noms de programmes, d'associations et d'organismes ainsi que des termes de domaines connexes, dont les aides techniques et la réadaptation. Le corpus initial est le fruit du dépouillement d... View more
Glossary of Foods/Cuisine/Herbs/Comidas
Andr� Fairchild, interpreter & translator |
Glossary of Foods/Cuisine/Herbs/Comidas by André Fairchild, interpreter & translator
The Third Edition of the Dictionary is now ONLINE! The third edition is bigger (7072 v. 5450 entries) and better hyperlinked (7168 v. 5772 cross-links) than the second edition; and has fewer 'dead' hyperlinks, and better display of greeks, italics, superscripts and subscripts. It is also much more up-to-date! JM Lackie & JAT Dow (1999) "The Di... View more
Picture Dictionary that shows a picture of the word to be translated together with its German, French, Russian and Yiddish translations. Contains sound clips of the word pronounced in Yiddish. Includes a Main General Dictionary and a Jewish Culture Dictionary.
Days in the great religions of the world
Interfaith Calendar |
This is an alphabetic listing of Interfaith Calendar terms with brief descriptions
Material Culture of Religion Glossary
The Polis Center |
A list of terms and definitions useful in describing religious spaces, temporal or spiritual with a glossary of key religious terminology, religious symbols etc. adapted from a variety of sources. Prepared by the Project on Religion and Urban Culture at The Polis Center, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. 1. The First Section in... View more
Glossary of theological terms
Blackwell Publishing |
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. What follows is a brief discussion of a series of technical terms that the reader is likely to encounter in the course of reading texts which relate to Christian theology.Reference to terms in the original languages (Latin, Italian, f.i.)
Glossary of Christian terms
SCAA model syllabus |
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. Very basic, with easy definitions, probably incomplete.
Glossary of Religious Movements Terms
Irving Hexman, University of Calgary | http://religiousmovements.lib.virgi...
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. More than four thousand definitions of concepts and identifications of names, groups, places and important dates in the history of religious movements. You will find the glossary of terms is extensively cross-referenced, and each of the cross referenced terms is accessible with a single click.
Glossary of Drinks and Beverage/Drink related terms
UN Terminology Database
English to Indonesian computer and IT glossary
Dizionario dei Termini Tecnici
Regione Toscana - Giunta Regionale, Firenze 1995 |
Dictionary of Photography Terms