Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-23 of 23 results
Denver Public Schools (DPS) |
Specially Birth Certificates, vaccination records, transcripts. See also English-Spanish verstion US English. Overall the dps web sites have quite a few different Spanish/English glossaries, but they are quite hard to find. This one has a lookup somewhere, but I can't f... View more
A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
medical terms
MedicineNet, Inc |
About Us MedicineNet, Inc. - Owned and Operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. Since 1996, has had a highly accom... View more
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
This web site provides the meaning of Hindi and Telugu words (typed as Itrans) in English and the meaning of English words in Hindi. It allows wildcard and phonetic searches. For details on the usage syntax, please visit our help page. The dictionary presently has over 46,000 words.
This Glossary by the Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV), Interpreter Planning Partnership (IPP) is composed of frequently used but difficult-to-find specialized words used in Legal Service attorney/client consultations, court proceedings, administrative hearings and publications. It is intended to assist interpreters, translators, bilingual... View more
Terminologie du traité de Nice
PATITIA Patents Trade marks Models Designs Copyrights |
This web site is designed and intended to serve you with information and tools which may be helpful to navigate the realm of intellectual property for success. The materials on this web site are provided for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its editors, and are not guaranteed ... View more
Bilişim Terimleri
TBD-T�rkiye Bili�im Derne�i |
Tüm terimler TBD (Türkiye Bilişim Derneği)'nin web sitesinde sunmuş olduğu ve tüm Kamu, Özel ve Eğitim Kurumlarına / Kuruluşlara sunduğu ve kullanılmasını tavsiye ettiği terimlerdir, bu terimler veritabanımızda saklanmaktadır ve arama sonucu size sunulmaktadır. Sitemiz basit bir arama formu ile istenilen terimin karşılığını size sunmak üzere hazırl... View more
The Genealogist's Resource for Interpreting Causes of Death. Antiquus Morbus is a collection of archaic medical terms and their old and modern definitions. The primary focus of this web site is to help decipher the Causes of Death found on Mortality Lists, Certificates of Death and Church Death Records from the 19th century and earlier. The inten... View more
Glossary of terms used in phillumeny
British Matchbox Label and Booklet Society |
PHILLUMENY is the hobby of PHILLUMENISTS. Phillumenists collect matchbox labels, skillets, matchboxes, matchbook covers, matchbooks, and other forms of match packaging as well as match strikers, match holders, matchbox holders and matchbook holders. (See our Glossary). Many phillumenists are interested in other aspects of the match industry and ma... View more
Medium-size glossary. Contains a few specialised terms of the domain business (DNS), but also more general computer/internet/web terms and product names. Attempts "to make it simple" for newcomers.
Bidirectional glossary by the Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers / Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği web sitesinden çift yönlü sözlük
Glossary of Cardiology and other related terms
Web sites - peers - specialists on the subject | http://Medicine (Cardiology)
This is a glossary I've made together with my peers when working on papers about Cardiology. There are technical terms, as well as other words, not terms, but useful when translating these type of texts.
Human Resource HR Workplace Dictionary, Definitions, Glossary and Acronyms links for human resources, managers and business owners. This section includes numerous links to web sites that will help you to find the best dictionaries with the definitions and meanings to unique human resource, business management and workplace words, terms... View more
The Glossary of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research
Fusion Energy Educational Web Site |
This Glossary seeks to provide plain-language definitions of over 3600 frequently used technical terms in Plasma Physics (all areas) and Fusion Energy Research. Edited by Robert F. Heeter with assistance from: Albert Chou, John Wright, Joshua Jones and the LLNL Science and Technology Education Program Links to other relevant Glossaries.
The most comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical dictionaries & medical glossaries on the Internet. Over 1,565 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in eighteen languages; compiled by Andr� Fairchild
Hebrew and Arabic search engine. The name of the site is comprised of two words: Morphology + Fix. The site provides an on-line Hebrew-English-Hebrew dictionary, thesaurus, and morphlogical analysis. It also uses the "crawler" technology to scan all pages of a web site and provide a thorough content and lingual web search. Note: Go to http:/... View more
Unknown number of words, use search box on web site.
सेसोथो (एस. सोथो)
हहहह अन्य हहहह
सेसोथो (एस. सोथो)
हहहह अन्य हहहह
"I informations about KDE translation teams: contact info, mailing lists, web sites. Team coordinators can update their language specific team informations and translators can view daily statistics about GUI messages and documentation."
This is a table we developed on the IT-EN Yahoo group of common, difficult Italian words and phrases and solutions culled from all members.
Japanese dishes glossary
Web site of "Japan today" magazine |
Short but helpful and easy-understandable description of Japanese food and ingridients.
Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts
University of Southern California web site |
This glossary had its beginnings from the information contained in the booklet Introducing Islam to Non-Muslims by Hussein Khalid Al-Hussein and Ahmad Hussein Sakr. Other terms not in that booklet are continually being added to this list now.
***Note: Arabic entries are in Latin script***
Internet Resources for Medical Translators
Dr.Gilberto Lacchia professionnal web site |
A very very huge ressource for medical translation and many many mono- bi- multilingual links. Principally for GERMAN-ENGLISH-ITALIAN translation, but you may find in it glossaries in other languages too (ex :french)