Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Slownik stanowisk - Polish Glossary of Job Titles
HRK.PL Portal ynku Pracy |
It is a Polish glossary that provides lists with names of different jobs in Polish. It covers such areas as: banking, pharmacy, IT, automotive industry/services/, general, construction & building industry, supermarkets, forwarding & transportation, publishing houses
Dictionary of Occupational Titles
US Department of Labor |
This is the complete Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, as supplied electronically by the US Dept. of Labor.
Einführung in die Sprache der Sieger Kennen Sie das? Sie sitzen in einem Meeting, die Marketingabteilung und die Chefetage sind überproportional vertreten, und Sie fragen sich, wovon reden die da eigentlich?
National Occupational Classification - Glossary
Human Resources Development Canada |
if necessary, see the companion site: Classification nationale des professions - Glossaire