Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Provides a thorough understanding of today’s tools and resources used by translators and interpreters, as well as technical details of their work.
A Guide of Dental Terminology (Una guía de términos dentales)
Compiled by Alecia Ward Hardy, Courtesy of Wake Forest University Romance Languages Department |
English-Spanish Glossary of dental care terms by subject (structure, procedure, etc.), with useful phrases
English-Spanish Glossary of Special Education Terminology
The Van Buren Intermediate School District |
This compilation of English- Spanish Special Education Terminology is designed to assist: • native speakers of Spanish who are interpreting for all of those involved with non-English speaking students of Special Education, and their parents. • Special Education professionals with little or extensive knowledge of Spanish. • current students of th... View more
Brief and idiosyncratic glossary for interpreting the Dao De Jing. Only pinyin and English.
Hmong-English Legal Glossary
Wisconsin Director of State Courts |
This is believed to be the first Hmong-English legal glossary in the United States. It defines more than 800 common court terms and suggests equivalent White Hmong phrases for many of them. We hope the glossary will be useful to the courts, law enforcement, social services, researchers, teachers, and state government as a resource for interpreting ... View more
English monolingual glossary of translation industry terms
Glossary of Legislative Terms
Washington State Legislature |
Comprehensive, alphabetical list of legislative terms. English/Spanish glossary of legislative terms. [Parallel files.]
School English-Spanish Terminology
Salt Lake City School District |
The SCHOOL English-Spanish Terminology glossary is for school interpreters and independent contractors who provide school interpreting during SEP, SEOP, or other meetings for the SLC School District. Just gives terms and their equivalent. though it is for SLC, it is well done and gives good options for terms in the American education contex... View more
This glossary provides an explanation to many of the terms frequently used in connection with translation and interpreting. Whether you need to communicate effectively with translators or translation companies, or just want to know what Unicode or translation memory are all about, you’ll find the answers here.
German monolingual with definitions on translating-interpreting in 2 parts (A - K, L - Z).
bilingual legal interpreting program
word of mouth |
This is is an interesting bilingual legal interpreting Masters program
EU Joint Conference Interpreting Service (JCIS) terminology database
EU Joint Conference Interpreting Service |
Multi-glossary interface used by the JCIS.