Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Terms relating to quality, management, organization, process and product are borrowed from the ISO 9000:2015 norm. For the other terms, the EQUASP Glossary of Terms adopts the Tuning Glossary of Terms, integrated with some terms not provided for by Tuning. In some cases, the definitions of the terms borrowed from the ISO 9000:2015 norm have been ... View more
This list covers the period since the collapse of the USSR. Where dates are given, this indicates a term or institution created and/or disbanded since August 1991. Where it says ‘of the MVD’ it means of the central All-Russian apparatus. It has been compiled from a wide range of open media sources, and cannot pretend to be either comprehensive or c... View more
Glossary of International Aerospace Environmental Group
Collective of authors |
The IAEG Glossary contains a number of terms that have been selected as serving as a useful reference in the development of industry standards and other documents through the work of IAEG and its working groups. The glossary is intended to be the authority of any definition providing a consistent reference point for the work of IAEG, and has been e... View more
This glossary serves as a point of reference for terms which are commonly used within association football, and which have a sport-specific meaning. It seeks to avoid defining common English words and phrases that have no special meaning within football. Exceptions include cases where a word or phrase's use in the context of football might cause co... View more
Ornithological Glossary
Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
In general, terms have been defined as they apply to birds. Nevertheless, many terms (especially those naming basic anatomical structures or biological principles) apply to a range of living things beyond birds. In most cases, terms that apply only to birds are noted as such. Most terms that are bolded in the text of the Handbook of Bird Biology ap... View more
Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Henry Campbell Black | is the most trusted free legal resource on the internet featuring professionally written legal definitions as well as the complete Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition. Henry Campbell Black published the first edition of Black's Law Dictionary over 100 years ago with the 1st edition in 1891. It has long been regarded the definiti... View more
Ricardy Ricot |
This is a tool that looks simultaneously for English Healthcare acronyms in your text and gives you their definition in a list alongside their translation into French. It is case sensitive.
Roger McKeon |
User's Guide LazyTerm, the main component of TerminoTrad, is meant to facilitate the consultation of a number of monolingual, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on line by letting the user enter only once the term to be defined, translated or synonymized, which is then done by clicking the buttons pointing to the various sources of interest.... View more
The English scientific literature is full of technical terms that in many cases do not have equivalent, standard terms in Spanish. Because finding accurate terms while translating texts for ornithological journals (this explains the avian bias) has been often difficult for us, during the past few years we have been building this glossary, which rep... View more
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
PDF file composed by Bruce A. Brunger with various terms of Karate, with focus on the Goju-Ryu style and pronunciations of Japanese (in this case, Romanji) terms.
Chinese herb dictionary
By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱 興國編譯 |
Website texts of explanations are in Chinese and English. Contains usage, toxicity / warning, Latin names, common names of herbs and more. LATIN > PINYIN > CHINESE PINYIN > CHINESE > LATIN In some cases, prononciations in other languages are given, such as: Japanese, Korean, Cantonese.
Grand dictionnaire terminologique
Le gouvernement du Québec |
Terminological dictionary for Quebecios French which is produced by the "Office de la langue francaise" the Quebecois equivalent of the Academie francaise. While mainly meant to provide preferred French terminology and definitions in all fields, translations into English are provided in most cases.
Anglo-hellenic glossary of real estate terms
Βασίλειος Γ. Γκουζάνης |
Japanese-English Legal Dictionary
Japanese government |
Legal dictionary including statutory and case law terminology.
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
Glossary of Custom Cases and ATA Shipping Case Terms
Online Music Glossary |
Music, like any subject, has its own terminology. The many terms that musicians use to describe music can seem daunting at first.
This glossary will introduce you to the terms that are used most often to talk about music. All the terms are clearly defined and linked to other related terms. In many cases you will be able to listen to an example... View more
Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care Definitions of commonly used terms in the medical provider, hospital and managed care industries. This dictionary is comprised of 26 individual pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. To find a certain word that starts with this letter of the alphabet, may we suggest that you please try the "find" or... View more
Glossary of AD Terms for Market and Non-Market Economy Cases
US Department of Commerce |
This glossary is intended to provide parties with a basic understanding of many antidumping technical terms. These explanations are not regulations or rules with the force of law. As difficult or detailed questions arise, the analyst should seek clarification from their program manager or supervisor, rather than attempting to derive precise guidanc... View more
Project Finance Glossary
Professor Benjamin C. Esty |
This glossary contains a list of more than 650 definitions and more than 275 acronyms for terms related to and institutions involved with the field of project finance.
A hardcopy of this Project Finance Glossary (case #203-040) is available from Harvard Business School Publishing.
This dictionary was created for standardization of insurance vocabulary at Conseco Life Insurance Company. However, it may be used by translators for any insurance document. In the case of more than one translation for the given word, the first word is the term prefered for translation of Conseco documents, though in some cases they are equally va... View more
Dictionnaire français-russe et russe-français
A quite useful glossary on basic abbreviations used in Medicine. It's the starting point to find a suitable translation. English>English in most cases
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary
From the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality website. |
English - Spanish Air Contaminant Glossary for Spanish Public Notice This list contains numerous air contaminants, mostly as listed in the ESL (= Effects Screening Levels) lists of 6/22/92 and updates of 1994. The Spanish translated names are capitalized for trademarks. In many such cases, there is no translation and the English word must be used... View more
The aim of the present article is to relieve this problem as much as possible by establishing the translation into Spanish of some of the most problematic terms in English within the fields of Ethology, Ecology and Evolution. A total of 172 terms in English have been translated into Spanish. An asterisk marks the terms that are habitually used but... View more
Word Lists
Stephen Chrisomalis |
Comprehensive lists of categories in English, including rare words: Sciences and Studies, Forms and Shapes, Carriages and Chariots, Divination and Fortune-Telling, Fabric and Cloth, Forms of Government, Grammatical Cases, Philosophical 'Isms', Colour Terms, Bearing and Carrying Terms, Adjectives of Relation, Ecclesiastical Terms, Feeding and Eating... View more
English-Spanish Dictionary of Astronomy Terms
Heinz Andernach & NRAO Chile |
This dictionary was assembled for the "Un puente a los cielos" program and was based on a dictionary given to us by Heinz Andernach, a faculty member in the University of Guanajuato Astronomy department. That included words from an IAU dictionary and words Dr. Andernaz had collected. We added words, mixed case and diacritical marks. Spanish has m... View more
Les mots de la combustion
Groupement Fran�ais de Combustion (GFC) |
Glossary intends to provide English and German equivalents, as well, but most of the time they are missing. All terms have fairly extensive French explanations, though, which, in some cases, are enriched with links and references.
Vintage car top materials
The Haartz Corporation |
There are many terms listed here in addition to specialized ones previously mentioned (in italic type). Besides technical terms, trade names are listed where the name signified a certain type of top material, as was often the case. Where the production time period for certain trade names is known, that has been furnished.
Glossary of Epidemiology Terms
Christine L. Case, Ed.D. - Biology Professor - Skyline College |
Monolingual English glossary of epidemiology terms with definitions.
I do not know if all of you are aware of its existence, so I decided to post it here just in case. To quote the editor: This online edition of The Times Style and Usage Guide (published January 2003) aims to provide a quick reference for readers to the everyday pitfalls of English grammar, spelling and names of people and organisations. It wa... View more
Glossary of sushi-related terms
The World-Wide Sushi Restaurant Reference |
This page contains a list of some sushi-related words and phrases which you might find on this site or in a sushi bar. This page lists short definitions; in many cases the links under each term lead to further information.
Terms discussed here include people, places, agencies, technology, jargon and clichés used in the aftermath of the attack on the United States. The glossary is organized by topics: terrorism, war, geopolitics, religion, homeland security, disaster recovery and miscellaneous. In some cases, the glossary notes alternative spellings of Arabic and othe... View more
Fine glossary of musical terms.
Contains a list of some sushi-related words and phrases which you might in a sushi bar. Lists short definitions; in many cases the links under each term lead to further information.