Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Conhecimentos Técnicos - Aviões
Denis Bianchini |
A book with all the terms related to aeroplanes and descriptions in Portuguese.
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on. This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane or heli... View more
Aerial Photography Glossary |
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on.
This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane... View more
English acronyms used in airports and aviation; English and Turkish definitions; some individual articles link to more detailed information Özellikle bu alandaki kısaltmaların açılımına -ve tabii açıklamasına- gerek olduğunda faydalı
Dassault Aviation |
Bilingual glossary about aeroplane construction, aviation etc.