Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 872 results
Polsko-Angielski Słownik Biologiczny
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk |
The dictionary contains English translations of Polish terms in the field of broadly understood biology - from biochemistry to ecology. It was prepared by students of Genetics and Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk: Marcin Banacki, Anna Barczak, Kacper Boguszewski, Katarzyna Bryszkowska, Hubert Czyż and Aleksandr... View more
Vocabolario Botanico Friulano
Giulio Andrea Pirona |
Vocabolario delle specie vegetali e dei funghi che crescono nel territorio del Friuli, pubblicato nel 1862.
La grande distribution et son vocabulaire
Jonathan Leborgne (jebosseengrandedistribution.f) | https://www.jebosseengrandedistribu...
Chaque métier comporte ses propres codes. Ses propres mots. Ce vocabulaire est nécessairement important afin d’éviter tout dialogue de sourd. Si vous débarquez en grande distribution, voici une liste non exhaustive de mots que vous serez amené à utiliser.
URDU THESAURUS اردو تھیسارس
کتاب (پرائیوٹ) لمیٹڈ KITAB (Pvt.) Limited Karachi Pakistan, Musharraf Ali Farooqi Editor, Urdu scholars and linguists, Dr Tehsin Firaqi, Dr Moeen Nizami, Muhammad Salim-ur-Rahman, and Dr Mazhar Mahmood Shairani |
The URDU THESAURUS (‘beta’ or ‘testing’ version) launched for the web and smartphones on 16 July 2016 was developed over five years. Through the Urdu Thesaurus website and app, over forty thousand unique words and phrases, and over twenty thousand sets of synonyms can be searched. As a language reference resource, it is a constantly evolving tool. ... View more
Farhange Talaffuz (Urdu Pronunciation Dicitionary) فرہنگ تلفظ
National language promotion department of Pakistan شان الحق حقی ادارۂ فروغِ قومی زبان |
لاش کے خانے میں اردو الفاظ یا کسی لفظ کے کچھ حصے ٹائپ کرکے اس لغت کو تلاش کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ اُردو کے نامور شاعر اور محقق شان الحق حقی نے اس لغت میں نہ صرف الفاظ کے بنیادی اُردو تلفظ کی نشاندہی کی ہے بلکہ اختلافی تلفظ کو بھی واضح کیا ہے۔ نیز تلفظ کے لیے نئے اعراب اور علامات بھی وضع کی ہیں جو قاری کو صحیح تلفظ اور مخرج کے قریب تر پہنچنے میں مدد دیتی ... View more
Urdu English Dictionary
Managing Director & CEO: Mr. Syed Vaqas Tanveer Chief Technology Officer: Mr. Mohammad Irfan Senior Linguist: Mr. Salamat Bariah Zindani Linguist & DEOs (Pakistan Office) : Mr. Amjad Ali (Incharge) Mr. Muhammad Umar | https://www.urduenglishdictionary.o...
An Online English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary with sentence examples and feedback/ suggestions support. Word Search supports search by start word, ending word, containing word besides English Urdu Idioms and Names Search. It also supports Urdu Keyboard and Font.
Русский толковый словарь по биоинформатике |
Словарь по биоинформатике с толкованиями на русском языке.
Glossary for the body of knowledge on the regulation of utility infrastructure and services
Sanford V. Berg, Farid Gasmi, and José I. Távara | http://regulationbodyofknowledge.or...
The glossary includes terms in Chinese, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Russian, Arabic, and Bulgarian languages.
In its work programme for 2005 the European Training Foundation (ETF) included a glossary presenting the Russian language version of key terms used in European vocational education and training (VET) policy. The aim of the project was to support cooperation with ETF partner countries in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU deve... View more
Trade Facilitation Terms. An English-Russian-Chinese Glossary. Revised third edition
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization |
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization, working with other partners, teamed up to develop this revised third edition of the Glossary of trade facilitation terms, including for the first time the Chinese translation of the terms, to become an En... View more
Short explanatory dictionary on the theory and practice of election observation.
Coronavirus English-Russian Dictionary, with appr. 770 terms with extensive explanations in English, related to specifically coronaviruses and generally virology, immunology, microbiology, immunogenetics, public health, epidemiology, etc. Based on Coronavirus: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References. ... View more
Русско-английский толковый словарь геологических терминов и понятий
Парначев В.П., Вылцан И.А., Танзыбаев М.Г., Рудой А.Н., Котельникова И.В. |
Настоящий словарь представляет собой четвертое издание "Словаря геологических терминов и понятий" (Томск, 1992. – 60 с.1995. – 83 с. 1996. – 85 с.). В него включены термины и по почвоведению в связи с осуществлением на ГГФ дисциплин: "География почв и основы почвоведения", "Методы исследования почв". Знание геологических терминов необходимо и сту... View more
В словаре содержится около 350 терминов, используемых в современной тектонической литературе. Содержание каждого термина приводится на единой понятийной основе, отражающей современное состояние теории тектоники литосферных плит. Наряду с тектоническими, включены термины по структурной геологии, петрологии, геофизике и другим смежным дисциплинам, ча... View more
В словаре содержится около семисот терминов, используемых в современной геоэкологической и экологической учебной и научной литературе. Для всех терминов приведены английские эквиваленты.
Словарь терминов ГИС.
Moore than 100 terms.
English-Spanish glossary of library terms
Nancy Cunningham & Fabiana Padilla |
English-Spanish glossary of library terms.
English-Spanish glossary of art with definitions.
About 600 terms and abbreviations.
Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense
Francisco Moreno-Fernández | http://cervantesobservatorio.fas.ha...
Este diccionario no se presenta como una obra definitiva. La propia naturaleza de los datos aquí consignados, procedentes en gran parte de la lengua hablada, impide que un trabajo así se ofrezca en una versión cerrada. Antes bien, estas páginas se consideran materiales parciales de un proyecto en marcha, susceptibles de ser completados, actualizado... View more
Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos de Argentina
SAIJ, Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica |
El Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos del SAIJ comprende diversas herramientas de gestión de la información como son las taxonomías, vocabularios controlados, conjuntos de conceptos, listas de términos jurídicos, tipologías del derecho, definiciones y denominaciones; que facilitan al usuario el conocimiento del derecho y difunden el pensamiento jurídi... View more
Basic Glossary of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) (PT, ES)
This is a monolingual Arabic glossary of International Humanitarian Law terminology for journalists.
This section provides a guide to terms commonly used in relation to treaties and employed in the practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, as well as in the Secretariat's registration function. Where applicable, a reference to relevant provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969 is included.
DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI LONDRA Ltd | http://www.dottoricommercialistilon...
ترجمة مصطلحات طبية عن القلب- انجليزي عربي –
مصطفى العديلي - شركة اكسبرس المشرق للترجمة | https://mustafaalodaili.wordpress.c...
ترجمة مصطلحات طبية عن القلب- انجليزي عربي – ترجمة مصطفى العديلي – شركة اكسبرس المشرق للترجمة
Lexikon für medizinische Begriffe, Abkürzungen, Fachausdrücke - alles kurz und einfach erklärt
Accounting, Audit & Finance Glossary
Международный центр реформы системы бухгалтерского учета |
Издание подготовлено Международным центром реформы системы бухгалтерского учета (МЦРСБУ) с использованием бухгалтерской, аудиторской и общей финансовой терминологии, применяемой во многих секторах экономики. При составлении Глоссария проведена широкая консультационная работа с участием заинтересованных сторон и использована терминология предыдущих ... View more
Lexikon für Analytik, Labortechnik, Chemie, Verfahrenstechnik, Prozesstechnik, Anlagenbau
CHEMIE.DE Information Service GmbH |
Das Lexikon bietet Ihnen Artikel zu 34.608 Stichworten aus Chemie, Pharmazie und Materialwissenschaften sowie verwandten naturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen.
English-Dhivehi and Dhivehi-English Dictionary
F. Abdulla and M. O'Shea |
A guide to the language of Maldives. Version 1.0, September 2005.
Conhecimentos Técnicos - Aviões
Denis Bianchini |
A book with all the terms related to aeroplanes and descriptions in Portuguese.
Геологический словарь
Паффенгольц К.Н. (отв. ред.) и др. |
Электронный словарь создан на основе книги Геологический словарь в двух томах. Отв. ред. Паффенгольц К.Н. 2-е издание, исправленное. — Москва: Недра, 1978. — 487+456 с. Настоящий Геологический словарь учитывает последние данные и представления советских и зарубежных исследователей и содержит сведения, связанные как с практикой геологопоисково-съ... View more
مسرد بالمصطلحات المستخدمة في امتحان شهادة المحاسب اإلداري المعتمد
Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business |
Glossary of terms used in the CPA Exams
The terminology database of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) in 7 languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish).
63 852 entries.
Tekstil Terimleri Sözlüğü. 5 339 terimler.
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy
German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies |
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy. More than 2 000 entries in each language combination.
International Law Farsi-English Glossary
International Law Eng-Fa Glossary