Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 1260 results
Tongue-Twisters in English, Italian, Spanish, Latin, German, Polish, Ukrainian
Vocabolario Botanico Friulano
Giulio Andrea Pirona |
Vocabolario delle specie vegetali e dei funghi che crescono nel territorio del Friuli, pubblicato nel 1862.
La grande distribution et son vocabulaire
Jonathan Leborgne (jebosseengrandedistribution.f) | https://www.jebosseengrandedistribu...
Chaque métier comporte ses propres codes. Ses propres mots. Ce vocabulaire est nécessairement important afin d’éviter tout dialogue de sourd. Si vous débarquez en grande distribution, voici une liste non exhaustive de mots que vous serez amené à utiliser.
URDU THESAURUS اردو تھیسارس
کتاب (پرائیوٹ) لمیٹڈ KITAB (Pvt.) Limited Karachi Pakistan, Musharraf Ali Farooqi Editor, Urdu scholars and linguists, Dr Tehsin Firaqi, Dr Moeen Nizami, Muhammad Salim-ur-Rahman, and Dr Mazhar Mahmood Shairani |
The URDU THESAURUS (‘beta’ or ‘testing’ version) launched for the web and smartphones on 16 July 2016 was developed over five years. Through the Urdu Thesaurus website and app, over forty thousand unique words and phrases, and over twenty thousand sets of synonyms can be searched. As a language reference resource, it is a constantly evolving tool. ... View more
English-Russian glossary of terms related to the Glossary of Terms related to the Promotion of International Cooperation to Combat Illicit Financial Flows in Order to Foster Sustainable Development.
Multilingual Labour Glossary
International Labour Organization |
Short glossary on labour terms in English, French, Spanish, Russian, German, Arabic and Chinese (Mandarin) languages.
Mandarin Chinese
This website contains a glossary of some Business terms.
Энциклопедический словарь медицинских терминов (гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский, 1984–1989), М.: Советская энциклопедия. Систематизированное научно-справочное издание, ок. 60 000 медицинских терминов с этимологическими корнями. Справочные приложения: «Анатомические термины» «Артерии», «Вены», «Кости», «Лимфатические узлы», «Мышцы», «Нервы и другие образо... View more
This list covers the period since the collapse of the USSR. Where dates are given, this indicates a term or institution created and/or disbanded since August 1991. Where it says ‘of the MVD’ it means of the central All-Russian apparatus. It has been compiled from a wide range of open media sources, and cannot pretend to be either comprehensive or c... View more
430 терминов.
English-Spanish glossary of library terms
Nancy Cunningham & Fabiana Padilla |
English-Spanish glossary of library terms.
English-Spanish glossary of sports terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish glossary of sports terms.
Definitions appear in Spanish.
English-Italian glossary of marketing terms
Babel Linguistics |
Contains terms related to marketing, branding, advertising, and publicity.
Provides a thorough understanding of today’s tools and resources used by translators and interpreters, as well as technical details of their work.
English-Spanish glossary of linguistics terms & definitions.
English-Spanish glossary of legal terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish legal terminology glossary.
English-Spanish glossary of legal terms & definitions.
Multilingual glossary of medical terms, procedures and illnesses. 4 languages: French, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and English.
English-Spanish glossary of medical terms
Babel Linguistics |
English-Spanish glossary of medical terms. General terminology.
French-English glossary of dentistry terms for implant surgery.
German-Spanish glossary of ailments
Babel Linguistics |
German-Spanish glossary of ailments.
English-Spanish glossary of gastronomy terms & definitions for cooking methods, international foods and menues, fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, types of berries, herbs, seasoning and condiments.
Italian-English glossary of financial terms
Babel Linguistics |
Italian-English glossary of financial terms for tax returns, accounting, and banking.
English-Spanish glossary of financial terms & definitions for retirement, taxes, accounting, and banking.
Spanish-English glossary of economics & trade terms.
Spanish-English glossary of automotive parts and terms.
English-Spanish glossary of art terms.
English-Spanish glossary of art with definitions.
Glossary of the European Medicines Agency
European Medicines Agency |
This glossary gives definitions for the main regulatory terms used on this website and in European Medicines Agency (EMA) documents.
Glossary of Football Vocabulary (Soccer) |
This extensive glossary of football vocabulary (soccer) is designed to help you learn the language associated with the beautiful game. It's the ultimate guide to the lingo of the football World Cup and of the Champions League, and you will hear many of these terms and phrases used during discussion of the game and in match commentaries. It compris... View more
About 600 terms and abbreviations.
Wordkosh |
Online dictionary website that can help you to get 16 lang translation
Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos de Argentina
SAIJ, Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica |
El Banco de Vocabularios Jurídicos del SAIJ comprende diversas herramientas de gestión de la información como son las taxonomías, vocabularios controlados, conjuntos de conceptos, listas de términos jurídicos, tipologías del derecho, definiciones y denominaciones; que facilitan al usuario el conocimiento del derecho y difunden el pensamiento jurídi... View more
IT Glossary
Gartner, Inc. |
Technology Defined IT Glossary is your trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions, from the world's leading IT research and advisory company.
Eurpean Portuguese legislation in DE, EN, ES, FR, IT
GDDC - Gabinete de Documentação e Direito Comparado |
For those of you who translate European Portuguese legal texts into other languages
A personal record of everything I have ever needed to check or find out. As such it is something of a "mixed bag", with a particular (though not exclusive) focus on respiratory disease, occupational safety and health (OSH) and environmental toxicology. The Glossary is fully searchable, so it can be used by translators working into and out of Englis... View more
wiktionary |
English/English-Portuguese Computer Glossary
GRI Standards Glossary
Global Reporting Initiative |
Arabic glossary with definitions and explanation. Needs registering for download.