The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

तुर्की से अंग्रेजी सैन्यविज्ञान / प्रतिरक्षा Translation Glossary

तुर्की term अंग्रेजी translation
7. Jandarma Alayı 7th Gendarmerie Regiment
ABD Kara Kuvvetleri Komuta ve Kurmay Koleji US Army Command and General Staff College
Ana Bakım Merkezi Komutanlığı Main Maintenance Centre Command
Askerlik yoklamasi Military Roll Call
asteğmen Third Lieutenant
Astsb. Non-commissioned officer
şube branch
İşl. Ks. (staff) operations section
Özlük ve Cari Işl. Ş. Özl. Ks. Employee Personal Rights and Current Affairs Branch Personal Rights Section
Bçvş. Sergeant Major
Bl.K. company commander
debboy depot, quartermaster's store
emval goods/items
Entered by: hfilik
hazır alım ihalesi procurement program
Hizmete Özel Restricted
Jandarma Koruma Bölük Komutanı Commander of the Gendarmerie Protection Company
Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Land Forces Command
karınaltı yüksekliği Ground clearance
Entered by: Yusuf Sahin
kıdemli binbaşı senior lieutenant commander
Kurmay yar-başkanı Deputy Chief of Staff
Kuvayı Havaiye Müfettiş-i Umumiliği Air Force General Inspectorship
Laser İşaretleyici Laser Pointer
LAV silahı LAW [Light Anti-tank Weapon]: shoulder held missile launcher; shoulder launcher
LOS Line-of-sight propagation
mühimmat pusisi ammunition cover
MIY MİY = Müşteşar İdari Yardımcılığı
nasbı Date of Commission
ord. kd. albay ordnance senior colonel
ordu evi officers' club
patlamamis cephane unexploded ammunition
personel albay Colonel, Staff Specialist
Entered by: Selçuk Dilşen
Piyade Tugay Komutanı Infantry Brigade Commander
rasadat-ı havaiye aviation observation
savunma amaçlı altyapı projeleri defence infrastructure projects
savunma sanayii müsteşarlığı Undersecretariat for Defence Industries
sevk yazısı referral letter
Slh. ve Atış Krl. Öğrt Arms and Shooting Committee Instructor
Tb.K. battalion commander
tcs. mah. izin end of service leave
Terhis Mahiyetinde Izin Pre-discharge leave document
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