The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

तुर्की से अंग्रेजी चिकित्सकीय (सामान्य) Translation Glossary

तुर्की term अंग्रेजी translation
BT karşılığı seçilmeyen CT equivalent not selected
lezyon saptanmamıştır no lesions were found
Entered by: M van Heteren
...GSBL pozitif bulunan... ...ESBL positive...
1. Basamak sağlık hizmeti first level healthcare services
Entered by: Aziz Kural
1. sınıf banyolu tek yataklı oda SB first class single bedroom with bath
Entered by: Aziz Kural
3 ü kan 3 units blood
3 derece batında abdominal zone 3
3-4 atımlık klonus 3-4 beats of clonus
39TH MDG 39. Sıhhiye Grubu/ 39thMDG
Entered by: Aziz Kural
açıklıktaki at a dilatation
Entered by: Aziz Kural
abeslang tongue depressor or tongue blade
ac sesleri kaba Coarse lung sounds
Entered by: Aziz Kural
aferez trombosit süspansiyonu platelet suspension by apheresis
akarlar mites
aksiller sinirin askıya alınması suspend the axillary nerve
Entered by: Aziz Kural
alt kutr sacral hiatus
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Ambulans açılış Ücreti Call-out fee
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Ameliyathane açılış ücreti operating room fee
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Anastomoz anastomose
anüler taşma, fıtık oluşumu Annular herniation
ankiloz ancylosis
ara numune intermediate sample
Entered by: Tuncay Kurt
asistan doktor Resident doctor
şuur consciousness
çalışma hemşiresi (doktoru) study nurse (doctor)
Entered by: Aziz Kural
çıkıntılı protruding
çoklu yatış multiple in-patient
Entered by: chevirmen
çomak-parçalı band-form ve segmented
İlaç kupürü strip
özellik noncontributory/unremarkable
Ön plasti Anterior Calporrhaphy
Özellik yok N/A
Entered by: Aziz Kural
bağırsak temizliği enema/colon irrigation
başlangıç almak originate from
bacak germe testi leg extension test
Entered by: Aziz Kural
barsak ansları intestinal loops
basal sistemalar basal cisterns
Entered by: Aziz Kural
basıya sekonder semptomlar symptoms secondary to pressure
Büyük çaplı dışkı large-caliber stool
büyük kemik parçalı kırıkları comminuted fractures of the large bones
Entered by: Aziz Kural
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