The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

तुर्की से अंग्रेजी विधि-क़ानून: अनुबंध Translation Glossary

तुर्की term अंग्रेजी translation
adresiinden nakil gelmiştir transferred from (address)
akde aykırılığı breach of the contract
Entered by: M van Heteren
alma haberli(iadeli) taahhütlü mektup Registered Mail with Delivery Confirmation
Alt Taşeron Sub-subcontractor
ara termin interim deadline
Asıl İşveren-Alt İşveren Contractor - Subcontractor
çekince ibaresi reservation clause
İş deneyim tutarları work experience /amounts/sums/shares/costs
Entered by: Harold Lemel
İdare Uyumsuzluk Durumu (In the) event of Administrative Non-compliance
İstinaf Mahkemesi intermediate court of appeal
İthal ruhsat müracaatında yetki authority upon import licence application
Entered by: M van Heteren
öne çıkmak to stand out with
önerilmeye muhatap olma hakkı right to be offered new issiued shares at a discounted price
özenle kullanma borcu Duty to take proper care (of the property)
üçgen trafik triangular traffic
Bakanlığın talep ettiği maddeleri The items/substances Ministry requested
Entered by: M van Heteren
bedel karşılığı at a charge / for a fee
beyana göre upon (his/her) statement
bilcümle all of ... the
Entered by: ATIL KAYHAN
deposit emanet olarak vermek
derinlikli veri market depth data
devrolunan transferred
Edinilmiş mallara katılma rejimi regime of participation in acquisitions
enerji altında in state of being powered, (w/o de-energizing the network/system)
etüt-proje işleri survey and project works
Entered by: Cagdas Karatas
feragat etmeme Non-Waiver
feriler accessory rights
Entered by: ATIL KAYHAN
Gayret Commitment
gördüğünde durumu yerinde Whenever it deemed necessary, (by Ministry performs) in situ (quest).t)
Entered by: M van Heteren
gerekçeli fesih termination for cause
Hasılat Paylaşımlı Alacak Satış Vaadi Sözleşmesi Revenue Sharing Claim Sales Pledge Agreement
hükümden düşmek To become null and void
hisse devir bedeli share transfer price
iş takip edebilmesi to deal with official departments on behalf of the job XX
işbu emre muharrer senedimiz karşılığında against this promissory note
iktisadi isletme commercial enterprise
intica conclude
ISKAN TOPRAKLAMA VE EŞDEĞER MAL YASASI Law for Housing, Allocation of Land, and Property of Equal Value
iz bedeli token value
kabul ve taahhüt etmek agree and undertake
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