The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी ज़मीन-जायदाद Translation Glossary

स्पेनी term अंग्रेजी translation
bajo cubierta, en parte, del edificio torre. bajo cubierta = roofed area / edificio torre: tower-block building
con cargo al cual which will be drawndown (from the mortgage loan) / which will be charged
Garantía hipotecaria convencional de primer grado first-ranking mortgage
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otorgando a su favor carta de pago issuing him/her/them/you with a receipt
quinto de tierra portion of land
"como anejo de uso compartido paracial comun" as a partial common use annex
"Consorcio de copropietarios" association of co-owners
"demandar o hacer colaciones" seek or make distributions bringing into hotchpot
"mts" m
"partida inmobiliaria" real estate entry (No.)
"Unidad funcional" functional unit
'Expediente: Libres' Application (Insurance Proposal) - Exempt & Clear (Payments)
'linea de trazado' survey line
'reaseguros de daños' damage reinsurance
'reserva de dominio' reservation of right of legal ownership
'seguro acogido al defensor del asegurado' (insurance) contract covered under the insurance ombudsman bureau scheme
( unir o dividir ) horizontal o verticalmente to consolidate or split / partition ... along horizontal or vertical lines
(Intereses) Fictos / (Liquidación Real) o Ficta Notional
(no) inmatriculada not registered in the Land Registry
Entered by: Andrea Sacchi
...en el que aquellas y ésta... ... in which the former and the latter ...
...previa la desafectación... prior to releasing mas gravosas que las que procedan legalmente en perjuicio de los ... more onerous than those already legally binding upon the...
Entered by: AllegroTrans
1332 hectáreas cuatro áreas 1332 hectares and 4 ares "Área" here means "are": a unit of area equivalent to 100 square metres.
20,000 hectáreas de botín 20,000 hectares of juicy pickings
479 metros cuadrados efectivamente construidos 479 square meters actually built
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
a colindar con adjoining
a cualquier título under whatever title (those capacities may have been acquired)
a edificios de propiedad horizontal horizontal property / condominium ownership buildings
a escoger (buyer's/your) choice (of)
a expensas de su sociedad de gananciales with community property funds
a la fuerza ahorcan you have to grin and bear it/you have to put up with it
Entered by: Edward Tully
a los días de su autenticación days after its authentication
a partir de with regard to / based on
a portera cerrada Walk-In Walk-Out (WIWO)
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
a su paso por in his/her/its way to
a título de compra through a purchase
a título de transferencia de dominio por beneficio fiduciario as a transfer of title to the Buyer as trust beneficiary
a título enunciativo as stated/declared
a titulo de venta con hipoteca por saldo de precio as a sale with a mortgage for the balance of the price
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