The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

सर्बियाई से अंग्रेजी विधि-क़ानून : कराधान और सीमाशुल्क Translation Glossary

सर्बियाई term अंग्रेजी translation
BD BD ( No. and Date)
cedularno oporeivanje Schedular Tax System
diskontna duznicka hartija od vrednosti discounted debt security
Izdržavani student Dependent college student
javno plaćanje tax
jednokratni porez one-off windfall profit tax
obračunati i obustavljeni porez calculated and withheld tax
Odsek za utvrđivanje, naplatu i kontrolu javnih prihoda Department for Assessment, Collection and Control and Audit of Public Revenue
plaćen porez po odbitku na dividende paid withholding tax on dividends
porez na šumarstvo na katastarski prihod forestry taxes on land registry earnings
porez na dobit po odbitku withholding tax
porez na prenos apsolutnih prava tax on transfer of absolute rights
Taksa za overu od dinara authentication fee in the amount of XXX dinars
utvrđivanje assessment/determination/establishing/
zabrana obavljanja delatnosti ban on performing activity
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