The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी माध्यम / बहुमाध्यम Translation Glossary

फ्रांसीसी term अंग्रेजी translation
un encadré appelé l’ours masthead
"Jeux de mains" Let your hands do the talking / Talking hands
(Beta) NUM Beta NUM
abonnement vivant active subscription
album deux titres two track CD
amour vache tough love
animatik en AVI animatics in AVI format
Antennes à blanc Dummy/trial broadcasts
Entered by: Huw Watkins
APPEL À TOUS public announcements
arrières de scène backdrops
art relais relay-arts
au standard de la radio in a radio phone-in
Entered by: Susan McDonald
audience soutenue wider audience
autodérision self-mockery
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
bande latérale unique single side band
Entered by: Aisha Maniar
banque hotesse Reception Desk
bouton de désengagement release button
Entered by: Maciej Andrzejczak
calage chromatique chromatic adjustment
caméra tri CCD 3CCD camera
Cap sur la TV et la Radio Focus on TV and radio
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
captation coverage
Entered by: Vicky Papaprodromou
captation audiovisuelle video-recorded
catalogue catalogue [BE] catalog [AE]
Entered by: Tony M
chaîne cryptée scrambled channel
charte groupe Company Charter
chef de chaîne station manager
Chez les uns ou les autres in one group or another
chroniques en plateau studio current affairs
circuits bouchons. tank circuit
Comblage Filler; filler programming
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
commission départementale d'équipement cinématographique local government film equipment council
contrat d’écoute listener expectations
Conventions d'écriture Style guidelines
cycliode [possible typo for cycloide?] Stage Lighting asymmetric flood [as used to illuminate cycloramas (backdrops)]
Entered by: Tony M
débordements limitrophes spillover into border zones (of neighbouring countries)
découpage fin Fine editing
Entered by: Aisha Maniar
dérushage [film / TV / media production] rough assembly [NB: see question for fuller explanation / other options; 'derushing' exists too, in specific technical contexts]
Entered by: Tony M
dérusher derush (pre-select takes)
de l\\\'excéption à from x as an exception to...
des corps de plus en plus fins bodies that are ever smaller
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