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अंग्रेजी से लैटिन काव्य और साहित्य Translation Glossary

अंग्रेजी term लैटिन translation
"The only secret of existence is to have no fear." Sola res occulta exsistendi nihil timere est.
'Suicide', sorta'... suicidium
'there is much honor in him' or 'there is much honor in his heart' Magna honestas inest ei/inest cordi suo
a heart that stopped beating made sense to live again. cor, quod pulsare desinebat in revievende congruit
autumn poem / poem of the fall Carmen autumnale
beauty will save the world pulchritudo mundum servabit
Belief is everything credere totum est.
Children are the meaning of our lives. liberi vitarum nostrarum significatione sunt
Enjoy the day by traveling. Enjoy the day on the road. Enjoy the day on your way Gaude die peragrando, gaude die in itinere, gaude die tuo modo.
first in,last out primus intus, ultimus foras
fish copulate in water pisces aqua coeunt
Fortune favors the bold Audentes Fortuna iuvat
Freedom is the key to happiness, courage is the key to freedom. Laetitiae clavis libertas, libertatis autem fortitudo
Great Expanse vastum spatium
Hereward, you do not carry the Talisman for another. Herewarde, amuletum non pro alio fers.
I don\'t want to be tamed, I just want to find someone equally wild. Nolo dominari, volo aliquem invenire aequaliter indomitus
I live and breathe only for them...Anna-John solum pro iis vivo et respiro
I READ THEREFORE I AM Lego, ergo sum.
In Language We Trust linguae confidimus
In the absence of light, darkness prevails luce absente, obscuritas obtinet
It is much better to forget than to constantly remember and worry. Multo melius est oblivisci quam perpetuo meminisse et vexari
It is not important that others know ... it is important to know for yourself. Pro aliis scire primum non est; pro te scire caput est
Justice Before Peace iustitia ante pacem
Life is more than just surviving. Non supervivere sed vivere vita est
live to be remembered extento aevo vivere
love lives forever amor sempiternus est
Modus interacti way/method/means of interacting
Nothing is lost forever Nihil perit in aeternum
One life One chance Vna vita, una potestas
Only silence can be better than music Solum silentium melius musica esse potest
Over and out nuntius receptus et missus (est)
See phrase bleow si stellam superam attingerem proque omnibus temporibus quibus me ridere movisti tenerem, totum cael
Seeker, come to me, and be my eyes when I cannot see. Indagator, veni ad me esque oculi mei cum videre non possum
Stand with your feet in the old and look up to the new Pedibus in veteri sta et ad novum specta.
suffer from the pain of discipline or suffer from the pain of remorse! Adflictione disciplinae aut paenitentiae labora!
the art of being legless ars vivendi sine cruribus/ars sui habendi sine cruribus/*ars essendi sine cruribus
The cat lands on her feet Recte semper feles praecipitat
The gods and the people of Europe Dei populusque Europae
The past is never dead. Praeteritum tempus numquam moritur
The power of the mind is unlimited. Infinita potestas mentis est
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