The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

अंग्रेजी से लैटिन सामान्य / बातचीत / संबोधन / पत्र Translation Glossary

अंग्रेजी term लैटिन translation
collected research investigationes collectae
contact info via congrediendi
courageous action/path actio animosa
Entered by: Lota
Don't take anything for granted Nihil pro certo [habendum (est)/ habeatur / habueris (habeas) / habueritis (habeatis)]
Eternal Love and Devotion amor atque studium sempiternum
I thank everyone for everything. Live with your own minds. Omnibus de omnibus gratias ago. Vestris cum mentibus vivite.
mastery of results artificiosa/praeclara/singularia opera
Entered by: Lota
Mighty gods, hearken to my curse! Di magni, exaudite imprecationem meam!
My world, My light, My destiny mundus meus, lux mea, futurum meum
Never forget to serve/Walk of the health Noli umquam servire oblivisci / Valetudinis ambulatio
Nothing lasts forever. nihil aeternum est / nihil est aeternum
Often in error, never in doubt saepe in errore versans, numquam animi pendens
Open here Aperi hic
regret paenitentia (noun), paenitere (verb)
Entered by: Kirill Semenov
sickness in water Morbus per aquam
together forever for eternity semper coniuncti in aeternum
true love Amor verus
We\'d like to invite you to dinner: can you pls give us some possible dates? Ad cenam sumendam te libenter vocamus. Poterisne, quaesumus, dies tibi idoneos nobis significare?
You can't polish a turd stercus non potest poliri
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