The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

डच से अंग्रेजी परिवहन/यातायात/नौवहन Translation Glossary

डच term अंग्रेजी translation
"talud" slope / ramp
a/b bij Kapt Money, (monies) collected by the captain on board.
aanvoer supply
Aanvulopdracht Replenishment order
aanzuigeffect magnetic effect
accijnsgoederenplaats bonded store
achtwagenstel 8 car multiple unit
actieve veredeling (AV) - schorsingssysteem Inward processing [permit] / System for Exempting / Suspending Excise Duty
af bedrijf ex works
afhaalcentrum collection centre
Entered by: Michael Beijer
aflader shipper
Afname/risico-overgang Acceptance and transfer of risk
Entered by: Maria Rosich Andreu
afvulmachine multihead weigher
afvulstort chute
alleenvaart skeleton crew
automaatje trip switch / automatic fuse
AVT IPR - Inward Processing relief
bakaanduiding cariage number / coach number
bakbelasting maximum load/payload
balise balise, eurobalise
beddingsconstante subgrade reaction modulus
bedrijfsremming normal brake applications/service braking
Entered by: Textpertise
beloodsingsplaats pilot boarding location
beremmingsstaat braking capability/braking capacity
Entered by: Textpertise
beschikbaarheid (operational) availability
bestellijn; bestellijnen order line; order lines
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bestelregel order line
bestemd om te worden verwerkt ready/meant to be processed
betaalpost payment item
bijligger rafted vessel
bodembelading bottom loading
bodemvrijheid ground clearance
bok trestle
boord/wal communicatie systeem 1. track and trace 2. vehicle to base communication system
boordnetomvormer on-board supply converter
boxoplegger box trailer
buszendingen letterbox items
charteren (sentence) charter
dagranddistributie off-peak deliveries
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