Interpreters » स्पेनी से जर्मन » Tech/Engineering » अभियांत्रिकी (सामान्य)

The स्पेनी से जर्मन translators listed below specialize in the field of अभियांत्रिकी (सामान्य). For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

71 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Massimiliano Maugeri
Massimiliano Maugeri
Native in इतालवी , फ्रांसीसी (Variants: Standard-France, Moroccan, Belgian) Native in फ्रांसीसी, अंग्रेजी (Variants: UK, French, US, British, South African, Indian) Native in अंग्रेजी, स्पेनी (Variants: Canarian, Mexican, Guatemalan, Venezuelan, Standard-Spain, Peruvian, Cuban, Chilean, Nicaraguan, Argentine, Honduran, Salvadoran, Uruguayan, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian, Panamanian, Bolivian, Latin American, Rioplatense, US, Ecuadorian , Costa Rican, Paraguayan) Native in स्पेनी
Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, technology, IT, sales, ...
Luis Cerna
Luis Cerna
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी, जर्मन Native in जर्मन
patents, electronics, energy, medicine, chemistry, fibres, industrial chemicals, engineering plastics, animal nutrition, industrial plants, ...
Michael Spohn
Michael Spohn
Native in जर्मन (Variant: Germany) Native in जर्मन
german, translation, hotel, tourism, destination, sports, healthy lifestyle, localization, computer, software, ...
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
medical, instruments, handbuch, manual, data sheet, tecnical, agrar, machinery, translator, translations, ...
Ashraf Al Saad
Ashraf Al Saad
Native in अरबी Native in अरबी
Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, ...
Patricia Verdaguer
Patricia Verdaguer
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
Business, Marketing, It, Legal, Insurance, Oil, Technical, Petroleos, Finanzas, Financial, ...
Carolina D
Carolina D
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
Michael Scholand
Michael Scholand
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
Etienne Thems
Etienne Thems
Native in फ्रांसीसी (Variants: Standard-France, Luxembourgish, Canadian, Swiss, Belgian) Native in फ्रांसीसी, लिंगाला Native in लिंगाला, अंग्रेजी (Variants: UK, South African, French, Canadian, US) Native in अंग्रेजी, स्वाहिली Native in स्वाहिली
Alois Palacios
Alois Palacios
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
technische Übersetzung, traducción técnica, Tourismus, turismo, español, spanisch, deutsch, alemán, automoción, Automobil, ...
Sebastian Witte
Sebastian Witte
Native in जर्मन (Variant: Germany) Native in जर्मन
English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, English to German, Spanish to German, German to English, German to Spanish, Portuguese to German, French to German, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
Astrid Pino Rodríguez
Astrid Pino Rodríguez
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
spanish, english, localization, german, austrian, castilian, russian, transcreation, audiovisual, subtitling, ...
Wolfgang Galenski
Wolfgang Galenski
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
english, español, german, deutsch, spanisch, englisch, translations, Übersetzungen, traducciones, Übersetzer, ...
erika rubinstein
erika rubinstein
Native in रूसी Native in रूसी, जर्मन Native in जर्मन
technical translator, interpreting (sim., cons.), PR, journalism, research, conferences, projects, festivals, culture, ...
Europe Localize
Europe Localize
Native in पोलिश Native in पोलिश, अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
Sabine Holz
Sabine Holz
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
traducciones, traducción, intérprete, interpretación, negocios, alemán, catalán, valenciano, castellano, español, ...
Karin R
Karin R
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
español - aleman aleman - español medico con doctorado temas legales, tecnicos y medicos, salud, politica de estado Recht, Medizin, Gesundheitswesen
Morten Kristensen
Morten Kristensen
Native in डेनी (Variant: Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in डेनी, अंग्रेजी (Variants: US, British, UK) Native in अंग्रेजी
Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, French, German, Articles, Contracts, web content, creative, ...
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Native in स्पेनी (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in स्पेनी
english, french, german, spanish, environment, ngos, renewable energies, sciences, biology, international organizations, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.