Interpreters » स्पेनी से जर्मन » Art/Literary » वास्तुशिल्प

The स्पेनी से जर्मन translators listed below specialize in the field of वास्तुशिल्प. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

25 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Sabine Holz
Sabine Holz
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
traducciones, traducción, intérprete, interpretación, negocios, alemán, catalán, valenciano, castellano, español, ...
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Alexis & Teresa Bulnes de Romanov
Native in रूसी Native in रूसी, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
перевод испанский, немецкий, каталонский, нидерландский, английский, русский, польский, португальский, переклад іспанська, німецька, ...
Birgit Klyssek
Birgit Klyssek
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
beglaubigter Spanisch Deutsch Übersetzer, vereidigte Übersetzungen Spanisch Deutsch, beeidigte Spanisch Deutsch Übersetzerin, Zeugnisse, Mitarbeiterentsendung, Arbeitsverträge, Fachübersetzungen Englisch nach Deutsch, Medizin, Onkologie, Schmerztherapie, ...
Ulrike Löffler
Ulrike Löffler
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
Übersetzer, spanisch, staatlich geprüft, ermächtigt, traductor, alemán, traductora jurada, beglaubigte Übersetzungen, traducciones juradas, Experte, ...
Carl Stoll
Carl Stoll
Native in अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
business, Chemie, chemistry, chimica, chimie, contracts, contratos, contrats, contratti, derecho, ...
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Natalia Olatz Prio Platz
Native in स्पेनी (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in स्पेनी
english, french, german, spanish, environment, ngos, renewable energies, sciences, biology, international organizations, ...
Ines R.
Ines R.
Native in जर्मन (Variants: Swiss, Swabian, Austrian, Germany, Bavarian) Native in जर्मन
we can edit all your catalogues, your interpreter in Spain and Germany, automotive, law, software, german, spanish, english, translation, übersetzer, ...
Rosa Maria Bleischwitz-Carlsen
Rosa Maria Bleischwitz-Carlsen
Native in नोर्वेजी Native in नोर्वेजी, जर्मन Native in जर्मन
Military, medicine, medical equipment engeneering, industrial machines, spray guns technology, weather radar, construction machinery, trucks, food, animal food, ...
Christine Döring
Christine Döring
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
translator, translations, localisation, interpreter, marketing, public relations, turismo, tourism, traducciones, traductor, ...
Cornelia Forster
Cornelia Forster
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन, अंग्रेजी Native in अंग्रेजी
magazine, revista, Zeitschrift, minutes, acta, Protokoll, programme, hotel, holiday, travel, ...
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
<font size +2><font color=#990000><b>ÜBERSETZER, TRANSLATOR, ÜBERSETZUNGEN, TRANSLATION SERVICES, CONTRACTS, VERTRÄGE, distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions, contract on services, ...
erika rubinstein
erika rubinstein
Native in रूसी Native in रूसी, जर्मन Native in जर्मन
technical translator, interpreting (sim., cons.), PR, journalism, research, conferences, projects, festivals, culture, ...
Stefanie Guim Marce
Stefanie Guim Marce
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन, स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी
HTML, PC, IT, Informatik, Barcelona, Spanisch, Spanien, Katalanisch, Computerbuch, Tourismus, ...
Cristina Saur
Cristina Saur
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
german, spanish, english, deutsch, spanisch, englisch, alemán, inglés, castellano, español, ...
Monika Grabow
Monika Grabow
Native in जर्मन Native in जर्मन
beeidigte Diplom-Übersetzerin, Recht, Wirtschaft, erneuerbare Energien, Urkunden, Verträge, Tourismus, Ethnologie traductora licenciada y jurada, derecho, economía, ...
Mariana Delic
Mariana Delic
Native in पुर्तगाली Native in पुर्तगाली
Expertise level, several languages, experience, reliable, efficiency.
Kerstin Drexler
Kerstin Drexler
Native in जर्मन 
English, German, Spanish, Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, inglés, alemán, español, translator, ...
Native in स्पेनी Native in स्पेनी, फ्रांसीसी Native in फ्रांसीसी
iso 17100, iso 17100 certificate, iso 17100 certification, iso 17100 certified translation, iso 17100 certified translation company, iso 17100 certified translation services
Christiane Schaer
Christiane Schaer
Native in जर्मन (Variants: Germany, Swiss) 
spanish, french, german, tourism, fashion, real estate, press articles, contracts, law (general), environment, ...
Maria del Villar Romano
Maria del Villar Romano
Native in स्पेनी (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
german, english, french, italian, spanish, environment, technology, industry, development, international cooperation, ...

Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.