Translation glossary: De<>En Medical

Showing entries 1-50 of 151
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(median) baseline disability(mittlerer) Behinderungsgrad zu Studienbeginn 
English to German
2-3 QF / 2-3 Querfinger2-3 fingerbreadths 
German to English
A & E (accident and emergency / acute and emergency)Notaufnahme 
English to German
ab -> hier: absetzen *Medikation*to discontinue / stop 
German to English
abgeschwächter ASR linksdiminished / attenuated left Achilles (tendon) reflex (ATR) 
German to English
ac = adenylyl cyclase / hsl = hormone-sensitive lipaseAC = Adenylatcyclase / HSL = hormonsensitive Lipase 
English to German
administrationGabe / Verabreichung 
English to German
akuter oder chronischer polythoper Gelenk- und Weichteilbefallacute or chronic multiple joint and soft tissue involvement / acute or chronic polytopic involvement of joints and soft tissue 
German to English
all-causemit/aus beliebiger Ursache 
English to German
Allgemeinzustand / Ernährungszustand (AZ/EZ)general / nutritional condition 
German to English
ambulantes OP-Zentrumday surgery centre [center] // day surgery clinic // outpatient surgery centre [center] 
German to English
ankylosing spondylitis (AS)Morbus Bechterew / Bechterewsche Krankheit / Spondylitis ankylosans / ankylosierende Spondylitis 
English to German
antidyslipidemic regimenlipidsenkende Therapie 
English to German
English to German
apparative Therapieinstrument-based therapy [treatment] / device-based therapy [treatment] 
German to English
Applikationshilfe / Verabreichungsvorrichtungadministration device (EU) / applicator 
German to English
arterial blood gasesarterielle Blutgase 
English to German
Ausgangslungenfunktionpulmonary function at baseline / baseline lung function (parameters) 
German to English
ausgebrannte COPDterminal/end-stage COPD 
German to English
autologe Spongiosaautologous spongiosa 
German to English
ÖGD (Ösophagogastroduodenoskopie) anmeldento schedule [make an appointment for an] esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) *US* / oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) *UK* 
German to English
Babinski-Pyramidenbahnzeichen (BPZ) / Babinski-ReflexBabinski (pyramidal) sign / Babinski reflex 
German to English
bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE)bakterielle Filterleistung / bakterielle Filtrationseffizienz (BFE) 
English to German
Becken(arterien)-Kinkingkinking of pelvic arteries 
German to English
Befundnormalisierung(went/have gone) back to normal 
German to English
bei vitaler Indikationin the case/event of a life-threatening situation 
German to English
best tophus responsebestes Ansprechen des Tophus/der Tophi auf die Therapie/Behandlung 
English to German
biosafety levelbiologische Sicherheitsstufe / Biosicherheitsstufe 
English to German
Bissregistrierungbite registration 
German to English
blunt force traumaAufprallverletzung // stumpfes An-/Aufpralltrauma 
English to German
Blutauflagerungen auf dem Stuhlh(a)emorrhagic stool / f[a]eces // bloodstained stools // blood in stool 
German to English
Blutfettwerte(blood) serum lipids / serum lipid levels 
German to English
Bronchus-CA / Bronchialkarzinombronchial carcinoma / lung cancer 
German to English
candidate agent/compoundWirkstoffkandidat 
English to German
cardiac fat padssubepikardiales Fettgewebe 
English to German
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)kardiopulmonale Reanimation (Abkürzung CPR auch im Deutschen) 
English to German
Cerclagen / Zerklagencerclage wires / (wire) cerclages 
German to English
chemische Entwicklung *Pharma*chemical development 
German to English
clinical finished productEnderzeugnis/-produkt für die klinische Anwendung 
English to German
clinical investmentInvestitionen im klinischen Bereich 
English to German
code breakEntblindung 
English to German
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)kontinuierlicher Atemwegsüberdruck 
English to German
Cor r und r - (Herztöne) rein und rhythmischheart with normal sound and rhythm 
German to English
cue and response (C&R) interviewstrukturiertes Interview/Gespräch 
English to German
Darmgärunggut fermentation / intestinal fermentation 
German to English
Darmileus mit Längslaparotomie(intestinal) ileus with longitudinal laparotomy 
German to English
drug candidateArzneimittelkandidat 
English to German
entry cloneEingangsklon 
English to German
Erregungsausbreitungsphasedepolarisation [conduction] phase 
German to English
existing operations *med. software*(im System/Programm) erfasste Operationen 
English to German
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