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Hourly translation rate
विषय पोस्ट करनेवाला व्यक्ति: maryrose
maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
Aug 7, 2010

Good morning, all

I am currently doing a largish job (ITA-EN) which is a combination of new translation plus a lot of accessing previously translated material and sticking it into new documents. I've therefore decided to charge on an hourly basis because although a lot of it's fiddly, it's not actually translating. I have never charged by the hour before and have no idea.

I was thinking of 20 euros an hour - does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks
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Good morning, all

I am currently doing a largish job (ITA-EN) which is a combination of new translation plus a lot of accessing previously translated material and sticking it into new documents. I've therefore decided to charge on an hourly basis because although a lot of it's fiddly, it's not actually translating. I have never charged by the hour before and have no idea.

I was thinking of 20 euros an hour - does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks

Dawn Montague
Dawn Montague  Identity Verified
संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका
Local time: 17:24
जर्मन से अंग्रेजी
+ ...
What do you make per hour when you translate? Aug 7, 2010

Hi Maryrose,

If you know approximately what you average per hour when you translate normally, just charge that. After all, why should you make less than what you do on other jobs? What people charge varies widely, but I certainly wouldn't charge any less than what you are suggesting.

You should probably charge what you list as your hourly rate in your profile, which appears to be quite a bit more than EUR 20 per hour...
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Hi Maryrose,

If you know approximately what you average per hour when you translate normally, just charge that. After all, why should you make less than what you do on other jobs? What people charge varies widely, but I certainly wouldn't charge any less than what you are suggesting.

You should probably charge what you list as your hourly rate in your profile, which appears to be quite a bit more than EUR 20 per hour

[Edited at 2010-08-07 03:20 GMT]

[Edited at 2010-08-07 03:22 GMT]

Guy Bray
Guy Bray  Identity Verified
संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका
Local time: 14:24
फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी
See formula Aug 7, 2010

Try your average hourly translation capacity in words times your charge per word. And then add something, because "fiddly" work is more trouble and should cost more than straight translation.

maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
विषय आरंभकर्ता
Good suggestions Aug 7, 2010

Thank you both. I actually charge per page ("a cartella") but I can use both your suggestions. Many thanks.


Williamson  Identity Verified
यूनाइटेड किंगडम
Local time: 21:24
फ्लेमी से अंग्रेजी
+ ...
Other professionals. Aug 7, 2010

maryrose wrote:

Thank you both. I actually charge per page ("a cartella") but I can use both your suggestions. Many thanks.


You charge a very low rate? Does your plumber, dentist, doctor, lawyer, garage when you service your car etc...charges 20 euros per hour?

maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
विषय आरंभकर्ता
@ Williamson: my hourly rate Aug 7, 2010

I was wondering about 20 euros as an hourly rate, it's not what I charge per cartella to translate!

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:24
अंग्रेजी से फ्रांसीसी
Amazing Aug 7, 2010

maryrose wrote:
I was wondering about 20 euros as an hourly rate...

At least Williamson is reacting.

It is the rate (converted in French francs) I used to charge when I was a student in France, giving one-to-one lessons to pupils preparing for exams.
Tax-free to put petrol in my bike...
That was 20 years ago.

I can't think of any highly educated freelance professional charging such low rates in Europe. It is low even tax-free.

Then people moan that our profession is not recognised as a demanding and stressful job, requiring actual skills, culture and dedication. No wonder.

Anyway, it is your business, not mine.
Good luck,


maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
विषय आरंभकर्ता
Whoa! Aug 7, 2010

Hey, guys, relax! I'm asking for advice, not stating what I charge, nor resenting any comment. If 20 euros an hour is way too low, fine, I can ask more. The point is that I have never charged by the hour, so I didn't know what was appropriate.

Lilian Granados Parada
Williamson  Identity Verified
यूनाइटेड किंगडम
Local time: 21:24
फ्लेमी से अंग्रेजी
+ ...
An idea Aug 7, 2010

To give you an idea: My brother is an electrician and he charges 50 euros per hour.
My friend is a dentist/dental surgeon and he charges 75 euros per consultation of 25 minutes.
To service my car, the garage-owner (a small self-employed garage) charges 35 euros per hour, the brand-garage : 50 euros.
My doctor asks 35 euros for a consultation of 15 minutes.
A lawyer, I went to ask for advice asked 120 euros for one hour and 30 minutes.
Given that your clients are Ita
... See more
To give you an idea: My brother is an electrician and he charges 50 euros per hour.
My friend is a dentist/dental surgeon and he charges 75 euros per consultation of 25 minutes.
To service my car, the garage-owner (a small self-employed garage) charges 35 euros per hour, the brand-garage : 50 euros.
My doctor asks 35 euros for a consultation of 15 minutes.
A lawyer, I went to ask for advice asked 120 euros for one hour and 30 minutes.
Given that your clients are Italians, ask yourself or our colleagues living in Italy what an Italian service-provider/professional would ask for his services.
That gives you an idea of the price.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:24
अंग्रेजी से फ्रांसीसी
Epidermic reaction Aug 7, 2010

maryrose wrote:
Hey, guys, relax! I'm asking for advice, not stating what I charge, nor resenting any comment. If 20 euros an hour is way too low, fine, I can ask more. The point is that I have never charged by the hour, so I didn't know what was appropriate.

Sorry Maryrose, my message may have sounded aggressive.

Anybody can read this public forum, and 20 euros an hour neither sounds sustainable, nor reasonable. You might have reasons to be willing to work at this rate, but to me it doesn't reflect the amount of knowledge and commitment you will put into the job, even more so with a lot of fiddling, checking and hassle.

What I meant was: you could charge more.

Good day,

maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
विषय आरंभकर्ता
Thanks Aug 7, 2010

That's exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks, Philippe.

Aude Sylvain
Aude Sylvain  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:24
अंग्रेजी से फ्रांसीसी
+ ...
- Aug 7, 2010

Dawn Montague wrote:

Hi Maryrose,

If you know approximately what you average per hour when you translate normally, just charge that. After all, why should you make less than what you do on other jobs?

Full agree with Dawn (and Guy), this seems the most logical option. Also, some agencies (yes, agencies!) offer to pay 15-20% more when you have a lot of reference materials to study, due to the much larger of research (terminology) it involves.

And indeed, what you indicate in your profile as your hourly rate seems much more reasonable than EUR 20.

[Edited at 2010-08-07 14:12 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:24
सदस्य (2006)
अंग्रेजी से अफ्रीकान
+ ...
Hourly for IT-EN Aug 7, 2010

maryrose wrote:
I was thinking of 20 euros an hour - does that sound reasonable?

On a different forum, which I'm not allowed to name here, a survey among 1500 IT-EN translators showed that a small majority charged USD 25 per hour. That said, a large number of them charged USD 15-20 and an equally large number charged USD 30-35 per hour. The average hourly rate for translators from Australian in this language pair was USD 30, though translators in the same language pair from Italy had an average hourly rate of USD 25.

[Edited at 2010-08-07 12:02 GMT]

Michael McCann
Michael McCann
Local time: 21:24
सदस्य (2008)
स्पेनी से अंग्रेजी
+ ...
Hourly rate Aug 7, 2010


You should not be talking of an hourly rate, but rather of what that standard industrial wage is in your country of abode.

Take that yearly salary/wage, divide by 48 weeks [you do take 20 days holidays a year, I presume], divide the result by 35 [hours worked per week] and you will come up with a figure.

Alternatively work backwards, €20 x 35 hours = €700.

Can you live on €700 per week and cover all your bills on a monthly basis
... See more

You should not be talking of an hourly rate, but rather of what that standard industrial wage is in your country of abode.

Take that yearly salary/wage, divide by 48 weeks [you do take 20 days holidays a year, I presume], divide the result by 35 [hours worked per week] and you will come up with a figure.

Alternatively work backwards, €20 x 35 hours = €700.

Can you live on €700 per week and cover all your bills on a monthly basis.
Kind regards,

Michael J McCann

maryrose  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
+ ...
विषय आरंभकर्ता
Thank you all Aug 7, 2010

Curiously there are two posts of mine missing - maybe it takes a while from all the way down here! One was saying I'd taken my rates of my profile because I had no recollection of ever putting them there and the other I think was just saying thank you to everyone for your very helpful contributions.

Many thanks

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