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विषय पोस्ट करनेवाला व्यक्ति: Roy Williams
Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:54
जर्मन से अंग्रेजी
विषय आरंभकर्ता
wow! Feb 16, 2008

I've apparently touched a sensitive subject for some. I just wanted to gather some prelinary information as I am considering freelancing part-time. That being said, what other options are there for collecting payments might there be?

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:54
अंग्रेजी से जर्मन
+ ...
Euro account Feb 16, 2008

Hi WilRoy
That being said, what other options are there for collecting payments might there be?

Given that you're in Austria, payment by bank transfer should be no problem, particularly given the recent introduction of the Single European Payments Area (SEPA).

HTH, Ralf

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
अंग्रेजी से लिथुआनी
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MB Customer Support is simply TERRIBLE Feb 19, 2008

Sorry, Ralph, you said "No personal comments, please", but I can substantiate all that from my own latest experience (and not in a personal manner - just facts). Due to their "Customer Support" (better to put it into quotation marks), I do not want to hear about MB any more (despite I used them for over 5 years and recommended to, at least, a couple of dozen of people). Their "Customer Support" could be a good example/material of the worst customer support ever possible to be taught to students ... See more
Sorry, Ralph, you said "No personal comments, please", but I can substantiate all that from my own latest experience (and not in a personal manner - just facts). Due to their "Customer Support" (better to put it into quotation marks), I do not want to hear about MB any more (despite I used them for over 5 years and recommended to, at least, a couple of dozen of people). Their "Customer Support" could be a good example/material of the worst customer support ever possible to be taught to students of marketing at universities with a course title "Customer Support - How it SHALL NOT BE"

[Edited at 2008-02-19 02:21]

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:54
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Regarding personal comments Feb 19, 2008

You may have misunderstood me.

Sorry, Ralph, you said "No personal comments, please", but I can substantiate all that from my own latest experience (and not in a personal manner - just facts).

Fine with me - saying a particular service is good/bad/great/horrible/whatever is fine, of course. But there's no need to attack each other personally for holding a particular opinion - hence my reminder about forum rules.

Best regards,

Milton Guo
Milton Guo  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
अंग्रेजी से चीनी
+ ...
anger Feb 19, 2008

No need to get angry and angry people normally do silly things.

I agree with the saying"whatever agent you use, there's always the pros & cons depending on the individual." and the cons may be terrible for some.

Anyway, MB is another option for all of us, if you dislike it, walk away; if you feel PayPal is worse, switch to MB now.

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
अंग्रेजी से लिथुआनी
+ ...
there is some truth, but there is Feb 19, 2008

Hi Milton,

I can agree with you (I always appreciate the Eastern approach and tolerance). However, sometimes there are situations with too many people doing silly things. Just one example:

1) in the middle of January Moneybookers locked my account (without any prior notice) and I think they have locked hundreds or thousands of other user like that - they motivated their actions as they needed to verify the address of the user...

2) spend almost 3 weeks till
... See more
Hi Milton,

I can agree with you (I always appreciate the Eastern approach and tolerance). However, sometimes there are situations with too many people doing silly things. Just one example:

1) in the middle of January Moneybookers locked my account (without any prior notice) and I think they have locked hundreds or thousands of other user like that - they motivated their actions as they needed to verify the address of the user...

2) spend almost 3 weeks till I got their kind reply from their Customer Support that does not almost exist as such + had to phone some 7 times to their London office (international calls cost a lot of money too) and each time listened to some "robot music" for several minutes and each time had to explain their staff members who I am and what I want from them - finally I sent all the docs they needed, they confirmed the receipt of them, told me all is OK and that my account will be unlocked in max 1 hour - good, it was unlocked in 2 days (and good that I did not have to call 7 times more).

3) that was happening in the middle-end of January; today I checked my MB profile - my address is NOT verified and for that I need to get either their mysterious letter with some kind of secret code (that letter is simply sent via simple airmail or, probably, by pigeons because I have never ever received that letter that was sent to me in the summer of 2007) or I need to send the documents to them AGAIN...

Isn't that stupid? I think stupidity had its own limits too just as tolerance to stupidity. Let alone laws and regulations, let alone business ethics and so on, and at least, a minimum respect to a client who has been uding their services for years.

Robert Pätzold
Robert Pätzold
Local time: 19:54
अंग्रेजी से जर्मन
+ ...
Moneybookers account in which currency? Feb 20, 2008

Dear all,

I want to open a Moneybookers account because I want to get paid from the US via MB.
Now I wonder what currency to choose for the account - USD or EUR?

My client in the US of course pays me in USD, and I want to withdraw the money in the end to my German bank account in EUR. I read that a fee of 1.75% for currency conversion applies. Is there any chance to avoid this fee?

Or should I open a Moneybookers account in Dollars and also open a
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Dear all,

I want to open a Moneybookers account because I want to get paid from the US via MB.
Now I wonder what currency to choose for the account - USD or EUR?

My client in the US of course pays me in USD, and I want to withdraw the money in the end to my German bank account in EUR. I read that a fee of 1.75% for currency conversion applies. Is there any chance to avoid this fee?

Or should I open a Moneybookers account in Dollars and also open a Dollar account in Germany? But what if I withdraw the money from my Dollar account? Does this also cause a fee?

I hope you can enlighten me...

Best regards

Αlban SHPΑTΑ  Identity Verified
संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका
सदस्य (2008)
अंग्रेजी से अल्बेनियाई
+ ...
Moneybookers account in which currency? Feb 20, 2008

audiovideo wrote:

Dear all,

I want to open a Moneybookers account because I want to get paid from the US via MB.
Now I wonder what currency to choose for the account - USD or EUR?

My client in the US of course pays me in USD, and I want to withdraw the money in the end to my German bank account in EUR. I read that a fee of 1.75% for currency conversion applies. Is there any chance to avoid this fee?

Or should I open a Moneybookers account in Dollars and also open a Dollar account in Germany? But what if I withdraw the money from my Dollar account? Does this also cause a fee?

I hope you can enlighten me...

Best regards

I think it's better for you to open it in EUR. People can send money to you in any currency they want, however the money will end in your Moneybookers account in EUR (if you choose to open it in EUR). MB also has very good forex rates.


Jaakko Heikkila
Jaakko Heikkila  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
सदस्य (2006)
अंग्रेजी से फिनी
Moneybookers address verification Feb 20, 2008

It seems that most of the problems users are having with Moneybookers have to do with the users not receiving the address verification letter. Apparently you will not be able to enter the verification code into the system if you do not receive the letter, and if you don't enter the verification code, you cannot withdraw the money.

There may be many reasons for users not getting their verification letters (and my personal guesstimate is that over 99% of the lost verification letters
... See more
It seems that most of the problems users are having with Moneybookers have to do with the users not receiving the address verification letter. Apparently you will not be able to enter the verification code into the system if you do not receive the letter, and if you don't enter the verification code, you cannot withdraw the money.

There may be many reasons for users not getting their verification letters (and my personal guesstimate is that over 99% of the lost verification letters are lost in mail), so Moneybookers cannot be blamed for everything. I wonder if there is an option to request another verification letter if the first one did not come through.

I have used both Moneybookers and PayPal for incoming money transfers. I have not had any problems with either one, but I prefer Moneybookers.

MariusV  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
अंग्रेजी से लिथुआनी
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there might be many reasons, but Feb 21, 2008

Jaakko Heikkila wrote:

It seems that most of the problems users are having with Moneybookers have to do with the users not receiving the address verification letter. Apparently you will not be able to enter the verification code into the system if you do not receive the letter, and if you don't enter the verification code, you cannot withdraw the money.

There may be many reasons for users not getting their verification letters (and my personal guesstimate is that over 99% of the lost verification letters are lost in mail), so Moneybookers cannot be blamed for everything. I wonder if there is an option to request another verification letter if the first one did not come through.

I have used both Moneybookers and PayPal for incoming money transfers. I have not had any problems with either one, but I prefer Moneybookers.

But it is the "interest"/need of Moneybookers to get what they are required by their laws. Letters might be lost at the post office, eaten by rats or whatever - but why it shall be OUR problem? Moreover, OK, the client has not received their mysterious letter (it can happen), why the client cannot order another one or why they cannot find another more reasonable solution? But no - a letter was lost at the post office (if it was sent ever at all), and then they impose limitations and restrictions to the client BECAUSE they did not manage to deliver that mysterious letter? And what if they put down the code on a piece of paper, put it into the bottle and throw it into the sea? If it goes down to the bottom of the sea (does not reach the shore), shall it again be the problem and responsibility of the client due to which he/she will have restrictions of using his/her own cash? I think it is against the law. Even more - OK, problems with letter receipt, etc. But why the client shall then write to MB or call them a dozen of times till the issue is resolved? Can't they hire a couple of persons to pick up the calls and handle the problem solution fluently? No - it seems easier to climb a 10 000 feet mountain than to reach their Customer Support. I find Moneybookers terrible - an elementary disrespect to the client. I really doubt I will continue using their services. PayPal might be really more expensive, but their customer support at least reacts to the problems of the client (they respond really fast). Maybe it is better to pay several cents more and to use a normal service, as, at the end, the total cost will be smaller (if counting the time wasted, money spent on international calls, and so on)?

[Edited at 2008-02-21 01:47]

Jaakko Heikkila
Jaakko Heikkila  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
सदस्य (2006)
अंग्रेजी से फिनी
Option to request for another letter Feb 21, 2008

MariusV wrote:

Jaakko Heikkila wrote:

wonder if there is an option to request another verification letter if the first one did not come through.


[...] Moreover, OK, the client has not received their mysterious letter (it can happen), why the client cannot order another one or why they cannot find another more reasonable solution? [...]


Ok, apparently they don't offer that option. I very much agree that they should provide the user a chance to request for another verification letter if the first one did not come through. After all, they cannot expect that snail mail always reaches its destination, especially when it is sent from abroad.

I find that postal systems are terribly unreliable even with domestic mail. And isn't this also one of the most common excuses used by some agencies when their payment is late? "We have sent your check two weeks ago. It must have been lost in the mail..." This sounds all too plausible, so one usually buys it.

I suppose you have also requested for another verification letter through their support? And is there no option to verify your identity by adding a credit card to the system? If I understand correctly, this is the way PayPal and ProZ also verify user identities.

Anyway, I sincerely hope that the problems are solved.

Milton Guo
Milton Guo  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
अंग्रेजी से चीनी
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Hi, MariusV Feb 21, 2008

I totally agree with Jaakko Heikkila regarding the verification letter.

Frankly, I havn't started to recieve money in my MB account yet; but the first thing I did was to request the verification letter as instructed by some friends. And I got the letter just the day before yesterday. Quite to my surprise, it's sent via a domestic company in China, which I guess is MB's partner in China.

I did have some worries about receiving international mail before. Just before I dec
... See more
I totally agree with Jaakko Heikkila regarding the verification letter.

Frankly, I havn't started to recieve money in my MB account yet; but the first thing I did was to request the verification letter as instructed by some friends. And I got the letter just the day before yesterday. Quite to my surprise, it's sent via a domestic company in China, which I guess is MB's partner in China.

I did have some worries about receiving international mail before. Just before I decided to pick up my translation skill again, I had been managing several websites of my own which generated some revenue through advertising for some overseas websites. It's a time when PayPal and MB hadn't come into being and the only way to get the payment was through cheques delivered in international mail (not registered nor by courier). It's really an aweful experience then waiting for my payment.

MB seems to have understood this situation and solved the problem by having a domestic company as their partner in sending the verification letter. It's a nice letter and MB even makes sure you really got it by asking you to comfirm at www.received-it.com.

I also agree with you that MB should give new user one more chance; but they does not do this, they must have their own reasons. And we all have to follow their rule to use their service.

I appreciate your sharing experience with us and I certainly will be more careful with them.

MariusV wrote:

Hi Milton,

I can agree with you (I always appreciate the Eastern approach and tolerance). However, sometimes there are situations with too many people doing silly things. Just one example:

1) in the middle of January Moneybookers locked my account (without any prior notice) and I think they have locked hundreds or thousands of other user like that - they motivated their actions as they needed to verify the address of the user...


Rowan Morrell
Rowan Morrell  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
सदस्य (2003)
फ्रांसीसी से अंग्रेजी
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Agree 100% with MariusV Feb 25, 2008

I am completely and 100% in agreement with MariusV's opinion of Moneybookers. My account is also locked because of this wretched address verification system that they now force on their users. Some NZ$820 of my money is all locked up because my address has to be verified. Never mind that my credit card is verified and that my bank account is verified. That should be sufficient. It is for PayPal. But not for Moneybookers - at least, not any more.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't
... See more
I am completely and 100% in agreement with MariusV's opinion of Moneybookers. My account is also locked because of this wretched address verification system that they now force on their users. Some NZ$820 of my money is all locked up because my address has to be verified. Never mind that my credit card is verified and that my bank account is verified. That should be sufficient. It is for PayPal. But not for Moneybookers - at least, not any more.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't manage it in such an incompetent fashion. As MariusV has explained, they only let you apply for your verification code ONCE. There are no second chances, which I think is appalling. I have never received my verification code, but there are many other people who haven't received theirs either. Which makes me seriously wonder if it's just the mail systems at fault, or whether Moneybookers even sent some of these things in the first place. We only have their word for it, but given how much of a pig's ear they make of their customer service and this whole verification system, I wouldn't trust their word very far.

But aside from this address verification issue, I don't think Moneybookers is actually cheaper than PayPal at all - certainly not when it comes to transferring money to your bank account. It's just that fees get charged in different places. With PayPal, it goes like this:

- You get charged a fee when you receive money
- BUT: you are NOT charged a fee for withdrawing money to your bank account (or at worst, you are charged € 1 for amounts less than € 150). Your bank charges no additional fees for funds you receive from PayPal.

Now, with Moneybookers:

- You are not charged anything for receiving money (so MB scores one over PP here)
- BUT: You are charged €3-4 for withdrawing money to your bank account, AND the withdrawal is treated as a wire transfer, WHICH MEANS your bank charges fees as well!

So insofar as transferring payments to your bank later is concerned, I actually think PayPal works out cheaper, notwithstanding the fee they charge you for receiving money at the outset.

But the other big advantage PayPal has over Moneybookers for me right now is that I can actually get at my money without being forced to move heaven and earth for it! Moneybookers' slogan is "and money moves", but with their current ridiculous system, they are making a complete mockery of that right now.

Milton Guo
Milton Guo  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
अंग्रेजी से चीनी
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Survival of the fittest Feb 26, 2008

Let PayPal and Moneybookers compete head on head, what they do will determine their own traffic and users

Ann Kirchoffer (X)
Ann Kirchoffer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
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Address verification letter Mar 20, 2008

I am having the same problem with MB as a number of other participants in the forum. I have been using their services for a while and was satisfied with them until I was recently unable to withdraw a small amount of funds as they said they need to verify:
1) my credit card for a small fee (which had already been done in the past)
2) my address: they tell me they sent a letter out two months ago which I did not receive, and since it was "lost", they claim they cannot send another one
... See more
I am having the same problem with MB as a number of other participants in the forum. I have been using their services for a while and was satisfied with them until I was recently unable to withdraw a small amount of funds as they said they need to verify:
1) my credit card for a small fee (which had already been done in the past)
2) my address: they tell me they sent a letter out two months ago which I did not receive, and since it was "lost", they claim they cannot send another one for security reasons
3) my bank account via a transfer to MB which I did.
I have since provided them with a bank statement with my address, but I am still waiting.
I have no problem with their requesting verification of identity and so forth, but you have to go through that when you sign up, so why do they request the information again? What I find most infuriating is that they should really inform their users that they are doing this BEFORE accepting payments into the account which then you cannot withdraw.

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