inflation at home plus appreciation abroad
विषय पोस्ट करनेवाला व्यक्ति: Doroto
Local time: 14:49
अंग्रेजी से चीनी
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Nov 2, 2007

For the past more than half year, it is bad time for people in China in any walk engaged in international transactions, amonst, language professionals offering service for international clients.

The reason is that Chinese currency RMB (Yuan) is appreciating against US dollars with an increase of more than 6.2 % as of the end of July from the outset of China's currency reform two years ago, and the trend is still under way with many foreign investors betting on continuous rise of RMB
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For the past more than half year, it is bad time for people in China in any walk engaged in international transactions, amonst, language professionals offering service for international clients.

The reason is that Chinese currency RMB (Yuan) is appreciating against US dollars with an increase of more than 6.2 % as of the end of July from the outset of China's currency reform two years ago, and the trend is still under way with many foreign investors betting on continuous rise of RMB in the near future, and on the other hand, at home, the market has seen a abrupt price hike, in other words, inflation of the economy, given rise to by a shortage of pork in the market. It was officially released that in a single August, the market had an inflation rate of 6.5%, and again the trend is continuing in defiance of the central governmental curbing measures.

So I have personally experienced a dillema where I pondered whether it would be wise to raise sucn concern to international clients. For an English to Chinese translation of legal documents, I used to charge RMB 500-800 per 1000 words which seems comfortable and now it does not look appealing with the appreciation and inflation working together. However, an increase in price may injure some established good relationships and it is a really catch-22 situation.

What would you do in such a case if you were me?


Kerati Kuaimongkol
Kerati Kuaimongkol  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:49
सदस्य (2007)
अंग्रेजी से थाई
The currency does matter..... Nov 3, 2007

Hi Doroto,

The currency does matter for our career because we have to deal with the client from around the world.

I'm not sure if I were you , for me, I quote in USD currency. Good for me that right now THB is very strong, and the tencency for next years for THB is seem to be weaker (That means I will receive more).

Anyway, I think if you want to change something with the current client it will have some effect on your relationship in some way. So, try new
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Hi Doroto,

The currency does matter for our career because we have to deal with the client from around the world.

I'm not sure if I were you , for me, I quote in USD currency. Good for me that right now THB is very strong, and the tencency for next years for THB is seem to be weaker (That means I will receive more).

Anyway, I think if you want to change something with the current client it will have some effect on your relationship in some way. So, try new things with new client only.

I'm not sure that my opinion will useful or not but good luck


Local time: 14:49
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विषय आरंभकर्ता
thanks, Karati, it does matter Nov 3, 2007

The effect is kind of significant. Appreciation together with inflation will mean a decrease of 13% of the usual price.

Price in China has been going down due to fierce competition among translation companies and so does the quality thereof.

However strong China's might may be, it has to make concession to US who has been alleging China has manipulate the currency. We small patotoes have no way to budge the situation.

Life has to continue.

Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
इतालवी से जापानी
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Welcome... Nov 3, 2007

Doroto wrote:
However strong China's might may be, it has to make concession to US who has been alleging China has manipulate the currency. We small patotoes have no way to budge the situation.

... to the free market and capitalism. Isn't China on the same boat now? So China as well has to play the same game.

Kind regards

Mario Cerutti

Local time: 14:49
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विषय आरंभकर्ता
no argument on that Nov 3, 2007

Mario Cerutti wrote:

... to the free market and capitalism. Isn't China on the same boat now? So China as well has to play the same game.

Kind regards

Mario Cerutti

I cannot argue about that with you, and not is it the right place here for that.

So far as I know, Japan had experienced a bitter history in that regard when Japan bowed before US' might to allow its currency to rise.

Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
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Free economy-driver rates Nov 3, 2007

Doroto wrote:
I cannot argue about that with you, and not is it the right place here for that.
So far as I know, Japan had experienced a bitter history in that regard when Japan bowed before US' might to allow its currency to rise.

It's you who started this kind of "political" issue, and besides I can't see what Japan has to do with this posting.

However, what I wanted to say is that the Chinese might not be used yet to how things go in the free economy market. But, since China is in this very boat now - whether you like it or not - you will have to get used to less and less regulated economy and play according to the market rules. Currency fluctuations and inflation are just two factors of the free economy. What it is likely to happen in the Chinese translation industry, as well as in many other market sectors, is that the stronger players will have to increase their rates to maintain the quality that is necessary to compete internationally, others will follow suit and others will cease to exist.

In other words, things are going to be more balanced in a not-so-distant future.

Kind regards

Mario Cerutti

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:49
अंग्रेजी से जर्मन
+ ... scope Nov 3, 2007

Hi all,
Thank you for remembering, and complying with, the scope.

Best regards,

Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)
Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:49
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It's the same all over the world Nov 3, 2007

Not only the East-Asian currencies are rising in rapport to the USD, this goes for just about all western currencies too. I myself have noticed a fall of over 10% of the USD in respect to the Euro, in less than a year.
I have two American clients who pay me in dollars. After a lot of hesitation, I have politely asked them to reconsider the rates they pay me, in the light of the USD inflation. They both complied without any objections whatsoever.
If your client appreciates you, he wil
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Not only the East-Asian currencies are rising in rapport to the USD, this goes for just about all western currencies too. I myself have noticed a fall of over 10% of the USD in respect to the Euro, in less than a year.
I have two American clients who pay me in dollars. After a lot of hesitation, I have politely asked them to reconsider the rates they pay me, in the light of the USD inflation. They both complied without any objections whatsoever.
If your client appreciates you, he will appreciate your concerns.

Local time: 14:49
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विषय आरंभकर्ता
Moderator, please delete the relevant posts above tainted with "political" sense Nov 3, 2007

As in the title.

I never like such political argument involving Japan, as happening all the time at home. I went to visit Japan once last year and I know that is county deserving respect from the international community for a lot of reasons.

Anyway, right, Cerruti, the stronger will survive.

[Edited at 2007-11-03 12:36]

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:49
अंग्रेजी से जर्मन
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Not necessary - you can edit Nov 3, 2007

Hi Doroto,
Some postings were a bit 'borderline', but still within the rules IMO. What you can do is to edit your postings accordingly, in which case I would suggest that Mario did the same.

Best regards,


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inflation at home plus appreciation abroad

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