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हाल के पोस्ट
NRPSI membership: is it worth it? 4 (2,658)
Parliamentary committee today 18.12.2024 - watch online if interested 4 (3,086)
Evidence session at the UK House of Lords, featuring DeepL and others 5 (2,570)
Accountant recommendation - VAT 7 (2,671)
Becoming a certified translator in the UK (English-Dutch) 4 (2,148)
Off-topic: Schoolbag or school bag? ( 1 ... 2 ) 26 (45,609)
Survey invitation: study on the professionalisation of freelance translation 8 (2,651)
UK VAT after Brexit ( 1 ... 2 ) 23 (13,503)
Project Management (subtitling) daily rate 1 (1,316)
Terms and conditions 1 (1,439)
Off-topic: average income of freelance translators and the average life expenses in the UK 10 (4,592)
Allowable business expenses in the UK 10 (5,774)
Running a foreign company from the UK ( 1 ... 2 ) 18 (6,322)
Literary translation agencies - question to translators in the UK 1 (1,644)
Any social groups for translators in London? 2 (1,899)
Help with British translation application and contract. 0 (1,362)
In-house German to English translator jobs in the UK or Ireland 1 (1,392)
Certifying a translation for the Home Office without ITI or IOL membership 4 (4,212)
Off-topic: Payment conventions of proofreading a book for publication 0 (1,166)
Specialising in business/ legal translation in the UK 7 (5,333)
Certificate of Fiscal Residence - Completing form for freelancing in UK 11 (13,957)
Is ITI Qualified Membership worth it? 7 (4,693)
Off-topic: Where do you think is the best or most suitable city for setting up a translation company in the UK? 4 (2,996)
Certificate of Fiscal Residence - keeping it simple 2 (2,144)
Thoughts on the sustainability of translation as a career for young translators 13 (6,111)
Invoicing EU with new Brexit deal 5 (3,822)
GDPR after Brexit 8 (4,364)
Google reseller to move from UE to uk 2 (2,229)
Moving soon in the UK- right to work nin number 14 (5,796)
Dip Trans worth it? 8 (6,873)
Becoming a certified translator in the UK - help needed ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 39 (109,472)
Translator Couple Moving to UK. Advice Needed. 8 (4,465)
EU VAT number for UK translators ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (8,198)
Certified translation in the UK 7 (7,696)
EU VAT number for UK translators 0 (1,556)
CIF equIvalent in UK 4 (6,156)
Being a sole trader with an overseas address? 1 (1,979)
Getting freelance/agency translation work with no professional experience 4 (3,583)
Sharing an office in Kent 1 (2,125)
Official translations for UK immigration 14 (14,062)
Quotes for translations into Italian 0 (1,752)
Help with interpreter job application and contract from Ireland. 0 (1,736)
Do I need a VAT number to invoice EU clients from the UK? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 36 (48,167)
Problem with fixing my own rates 2 (2,927)
Foreigner registering as self-employed in the UK: help! ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 36 (35,486)
Terminology & Clear Writing event in London, IT>EN + EN>IT, 16 June, 10-12.30pm 1 (2,184)
What are the advantages of getting an accountant? Is it necessary? ( 1 ... 2 ) 20 (11,318)
No Deal Brexit 3 (3,959)
Charging VAT when invoicing 7 (15,845)
Transcription from a PDF file 1 (2,447)
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